
网络资源 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-10

40.The word "realization"in line 6is closest in meaning to





41.Why does the author mention Don Quirote,Brave New World and A Modest Proposal in lines 6-8?

(A)They are famous examples of satiric literature

(B)They present commonsense solutions to problems.

(C)They are appropriate for readers of all ages.

(D)They are books with similar stories.

42.The word "aesthetically"in line 13is closest in meaning to





43.Which of the following can be found in satire literature?

(A)Newly emerging philosophies

(B)Odd combinations of objects and ideas

(C)Abstract discussion of moral and ethnics

(D)Wholesome characters who are unselfish.

44.According to the passage,there is a need for satire because people need to be

(A)informed about new scientific developments

(B)exposed to original philosophies when they are formulated

(C)reminded that popular ideas are often inaccurate

(D)told how they can be of service to their communities.

45.The word "refreshing"in line 19is closest in meaning to





46.The word "they"in line 22refers to





47.The word "devote"in line 25is closest in meaning to


(B)feel affection



48.As a result of reading satiric literature,readers will be most likely to

(A)teach themselves to write fiction

(B)accept conventional points of view

(C)become better informed about current affairs

(D)reexamine their opinions and values

49.The various purposes of satire include all of the following EXCEPT

(A)introducing readers to unfamiliar situations

(B)brushing away illusions

(C)reminding readers of the truth

(D)exposing false values.

50.Why does the author mention "service of humanity"in line 25?

(A)People need to be reminded to take action

(B)Readers appreciate knowing about it

(C)It is an ideal that is rarely achieved.

(D)Popular media often distort such stories.


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