
网络资源 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-10

41.(A)They sold it to art collectors.

(B)They used it for cooking and storage.

(C)They displayed it for decoration.

(D)They used it to display new tools.

42.(A)Special tools were used to shape the clay.

(B)It was created on pottery wheels.

(C)The clay was placed in molds.

(D)Each person was responsible for a particular part of the process.

43.(A)The problems caused by the Revolutionary War.

(B)How some people became rich in the late 1700's.

(C)The importance of providing for a tax system in the Constitution.

(D)Motives for creating the United States Constitution.

44.(A)Tax collectors.

(B)The wealthy.


(D)State officials.

45.(A)They are not influenced by government policy.

(B)They are opinions that have no basis in fact.

(C)They are affected by the conditions of the time in which they are written.

(D)They would be more accurate if historians followed one ideology.

46.(A)How birds learn to build nests.

(B)Why birds lay eggs.

(C)How birds'nests have evolved(D)Why some birds'nests are considered primitive.

47.(A)Their flying ability improved greatly.

(B)They became warm-blooded.

(C)They began to lay eggs.

(D)They changed their migration patterns.

48.(A)On the ground.

(B)In cold places.

(C)On the highest branches of trees(D)Inside tree trunks.

49.(A)A primitive type of nest.

(B)An elevated nest.

(C)A typical cup-shaped nest.

(D)A nest of twigs and branches.

50.(A)To avoid predators.

(B)To expose tile eggs to stronger sunlight.

(C)To have a better view of predators.

(D)To save labor.


1.The view is spectacular.Could you take a picture of me with the mountains in the background?

I'm afraid I just ran out of film

What does the woman mean?(C)

2.Excuse me,were you ready to order now?

I'll be with you in just minute.

What does the man mean?(B)

3.I think I forgot my umbrella.Did you notice that it was raining outside?

Yeah.It is.And I just realize that I left my car window open.

What will the man probably do next?(C)

4.How does your daughter like her new school?

Fine.She seems to have made new friends in no time.

What can be inferred about the man's daughter?(C)

5.There is an article here in this magazine you might interesting.It's about buying running shoes.

If it's not chemistry and it's not on the final exam,I can't read it now.

What is the man probably doing?(B)

6.You are washing your car even on vacation.It makes me feel guilty.

You shouldn't.It's just that I have nothing better to do at the moment.

What does the woman imply?(C)

7.My doctor told me I needed to go for some expensive treatment for my injured knee.

Are you sure?Maybe you need a second opinion.

What does the woman suggest the man do?(C)

8.Hello,could me fit me in for an appointment today?I need a stylist who's good at cutting curly hair.

Judy is good at that.She is the owner.How about the noon?

What will the woman probably do?(B)

9.There is nothing I like more than a good mystery novel when I've got some spare time.

I like to read too.But I prefer non-fiction:history,social commentary and stuff like that.

What does the man imply?(C)

10.I'm no expert.But that noise in your refrigerator doesn't sound good.

Maybe you should call and have it checked out.

You are right.And I suppose I've put it off long enough.

What will the woman probably do?(A)

11.What's up with Donald?I've never seen him so happy.

His supervisor gave performance evaluations this morning.

What can be inferred about Donald?(A)

12.It's not going to snow again tomorrow,is it?It was supposed to be warm all week.

Well,if you go by the forecast that I heard,you shouldn't put your coat and hat away quite yet.

What does the woman imply?(B)

13.I don't know how it happened.But I got two different appointments at lunch tomorrow.I'm supposed to meet both David and Jim.

Why don't you make one of them a breakfast meeting?

What does the woman suggest the man do?(B)


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