
网络资源 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-10

21.I heard on the radio that not only is it going to be super hot tomorrow but also the humidity's going way up.

Sounds like I'm going to have to find an air-conditioned place to be in.

What does the man mean?(B)

22.I can't concentrate on this final report any longer.Maybe I should take a nap before we continue.

You know they say the physical activity makes you more alert.

What does the woman imply?(B)

23.I hope you like the novel I lent you.I wasn't sure whether it was the kind of book you would be interested in.

You know,I had the same doubt at first.But once I started I simply couldn't put it down.

What does the man mean?(C)

24.The museum exhibit that our professor recommended just closed.Last day yesterday.

Oh.I was really looking forward to seeing it.

What does the man mean?(C)

25.If George misses one more meeting we are going to have to find one new committee secretary.

We'd better give him a n ultimatum.

What does the man suggest they do?(B)

26.Are you sure you don't mind getting the concert tickets?I wouldn't be able to pay you back until Friday when I get paid.

No problem.I'm glad I can help and we'll be able to go together.

What does the man mean?(C)

27.Have heard the news?The manager posted this month's work schedule.

She did?Where?

What does the woman ask?(C)

28.Will you be living in the dormitory this year?

Not if I can help it.I've been thinking of renting an apartment off campus with some friends of mine.

What does the man imply?(D)

29.The plot of that movie is hard to find.

It makes more sense the second time.

What can be inferred about the woman?(B)

30.I'm so soaked from the rain.I'd go back to my room to change my clothes if there were ore time before the performance.

I could use drying off too.But I hate the idea of missing even a few minutes of this concert.

What can be inferred about the speakers?(D)



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