
网络资源 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-10

4. -----state of California is also known as the "Golden State" because California's hills were once believed to be made of gold.

(A) The

(B) There is a

(C) That the

(D) As the

5. Aspartame is a combination of proteins that is much sweeter----

(A) than sugar does

(B) does cane sugar

(C) cane sugar

(D) than cane sugar

6. Current patterns and topography maps of the seas ---- from satellite photographs.

(A) can be drawn

(B) can drawn

(C) to draw

(D) drawn

7. By the middle of the nioneteenth century, the scientists and engineers in the United States had began to exert --- over technology.

(A) influence worldwide a great

(B) a great worldwide influence

(C) influence a great worldwide

(D) a worldwide influence great

8. ----billions of barrels of oil exist in the vast caverns beneath the Pacific Oceans

(A) It is estimated that

(B) An estimate that

(C) That is estimated

(D) That the estimate

9. The extent of the stimulant effect of coffee on people depends on the circumstances ---- the plants grow.

(A) which

(B) which in

(C) in which

(D) in

10. The guitar solo first ---- as a popular form of musical performance in the twentieth century.

(A) to emerge

(B) emerging

(C) has emerged

(D) emerged

11. --- complex organic compounds originating in cells.

(A) Lipieds

(B) Lipids are

(C) Lipids which are

(D) Lipids while they

12. In the western part of Nevada ----, a major tourist and entertainment center.

(A) lies the city of Las Vegas

(B) the city of Las Vegas lies there

(C) around the city of Las Vegas lies

(D) there lies the city of Las vegas around


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