
网络资源 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-10


1.Portland,Maine,is _____ the poet Henry Wadsworth Longfellow spent his early years.


(B)it where

(C)where is

(D)which is where

2.As consumers'response to traditional advertising techniques declines,businesses are beginning _____ new methods of reaching customers.

(A)the development that

(B)it developing


(D)to develop

3.The knee is _____ most other joints in the body because it cannot twist without injury.

(A)more likely to be damaged than

(B)likely to be more than damaged

(C)more than likely to be damaged

(D)to be damaged more than likely

4.The quince is an attractive shrub or small tree _____ closely related to the apple and pear trees.


(B)that is

(C)that it is

(D)is that which

5.Many gases,including the nitrogen and oxygen in air,_____ color or odor.

(A)have no

(B)which have no

(C)not having

(D)they do not have

6.The American Academy of Poets,_____ the 1930's,provides financial assistance to support working poets.

(A)when it was founded

(B)was founded

(C)which was founded in

(D)was founded in

7.During the Pleistocene glacial periods _____ portions of the Earth where plant and animal life flourished making it possible for people to subsist.


(B)it was

(C)there were

(D)have there been

8.The photographs of Carrie Mae Weems,in which she often makes her family members _____,are an affectionate and incisive representation of the African American experience.

(A)are her subjects

(B)her subjects

(C)are subjects

(D)which her subjects.


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