
网络资源 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-10

TOEIC test
Vocabulary Test: Verb Vocabulary ListTest # TOEIC/W11

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v. to fill with water and sink; to fall; to fail; to stumble; to cause to sink


 toeic study guide
v. to examine; to make an analysis; to break down into parts and study (as in a subject)


v. to accommodate; to house; to enter (a plane, ship, bus, etc.)


v. to situate; to place; to identify; to find; to settle


v. to take a picture; to produce an image using a photographic process


v. to choose; to select; to pluck; to pull out; to tear out; to peck; to strike with a sharp instrument

(c)pick up

v. must (indicating duty or obligation); would (softening the statment); would be (expressing the conditional nature of the connected statement)


v. to schedule; to plan; to write a system of operating instructions for a computer (Computers); to supply a computer or other machine with a set of pre-written instructions


v. to enter information into a chart; to postpone; to set aside for future consideration


v. to convert an object or image into a digital image using an optical scanner (Computers); to browse; to glance at quickly; to examine a body part through the use of medical imaging techniques (Medicine); to determine the meter of a verse



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