
考研 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-25

TOPIC Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Grades (marks) encourage students to learn. Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.
Learning is a great tool. Grades are great reward for a good learning. Attending school is a great way to access your learning ability and performance. I believe that grades are great indicators of a good learning for the following reasons: They prove how well he or she has learned the topic, area of weakness, and what it needs to be done to improve.
Grades prove how well he or she has learned the topic. Take it for instance, if a person take an exam and perform poorly, then this prove that he did not prepare for the exam enough to pass. Therefore, grades are great indicators if a person was prepared for an exam or not.
Grades will also prove the area of weakness. Exams tend to gear the student on how to approach a particular exam and how to focus on the area of weakness. For example, if a person is preparing for a national exam, he or she must focus on the areas where he or she lacks. Grades will show which areas he or she performed well and the areas of poor performance. This set a guideline for a student to prepare more precisely to sharpen his weak area.
Grades also help student study harder. A student has the tendency to study harder if he or she gets a positive reward. For example, I used to be very unhappy if I did not pass an exam. Therefore, I took my unhappiness and anger toward my studying and put more hours into the subject so I can perform better. I recall an incidence in high school when I had failed my official exam which it made me realize that studying less will not be the solution and studying hard was my only way to pass this exam.
Grades are essential to every student and I believe it is a great way to gear student ability, and performance. They do help a student to focus, work harder, and concentrate and the area of weakness. Finally, assessment is a way of encouraging, and improving each student learning.
reward 报答
indicators 指标;指示针
weakness 弱点
guideline 指导方针
unhappiness 苦恼
assessment 评估


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