
考研 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-25


W: Prof. Smith sure was acting strangely today.
M: I noticed that too. She was talking so quietly and then — not giving us any homework. Can you believe that?
Q: What can be inferred about Prof. Smith?
(A)   She didn’t teach class today.
(B)   She noticed that the students didn’t do their homework.
(C)   She usually assigns homework.
(D)   She usually talks quietly.


W: Excuse me, do you sell calculators, I looked over in the office supply section, but I couldn’t find any.
M: That is where you’d find them, but we’re all sold out, we probably won’t have any in for a few more weeks.
Q: What does the man mean?       
(A)   He expects to sell all of the calculators soon.
(B)   The woman should look in a different section of the store.
(C)   The store doesn’t have any calculators to sell now.
(D)   Calculators are on sale this week.
M: Excuse me, Prof. Jones. I was absent from the first class. And, um, I heard that’s when you handed out the course outline. Would you happen to have an extra copy?
W: I don’t have any with me. But there are a few left in my office. Why don’t you stop by after class?
Q: What does the woman imply?
(A)   She hasn’t prepared the course outline yet.
(B)   She’ll distribute the course outline during the next class.
(C)   There aren’t any copies of the course outline left.
(D)   The man can get the course outline after class.



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