
考研 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-06

Work for a Small or Large Company – LARGE
Topic: Some people prefer to work for a large company. Others prefer to work for a small company. Which would you prefer? Use specific reasons and details to support your choice.
Some people hold the opinion that working for a large company is superior to working for a small company. Others, however, contradict to work for a large company. (Others, however, are opposed to working for a large company.) (“to oppose”) (A) Personally, I would prefer working for a large company because I think it has more advantages.
There are numerous reasons why to work for a large company, and I would in here explain a few of the most important ones. (There are many reasons to work for a large company, and I herein explain a few of the most important ones.) (1) The main reason is that it can give us more chances to promote and learn new things. It is easy to see that working in the Microsoft has more positions to compete, parallel other small computer companies. (It is easy to see that jobs at big companies such as Microsoft offer more opportunities for promotion than those at other small software companies.) (“easy to see”) (B)
Another reason why I advocate the attitude of working in a large company is that it gives us more confidence to achieve success. Take the case of a thing that if we can be employed by an international enterprise, it also proves our ability and techniques. (For example, being employed by an international enterprise would prove our ability and techniques.) At that time, we would really believe that we are excellent, because we can work in such a large and powerful enterprise. (We would therefore, at such time, believe in ourselves since we were hired from a large and powerful enterprise.)
Another strong argument for working in a large company is that we can get more management experience there. This demonstrates the undeniable fact that we know the management fabric while we are working. (This demonstrates the undeniable fact that we could learn the fabric of management while at work.)
Of course, choosing to work for a small company also has advantages to some extent. We may acquaint with every department in a short time because the company is small and has fewer branches. (For example, we could quickly get acquainted with every department because the company is small and has fewer branches.)
But if all these factors are contemplated, the advantages of working for a large company carry more weight than those of working for a small one. (But if all these factors are contemplated, the advantages of working for a large company far outweigh those of working for a small one.) (“to far outweigh”) (C) From what has been discussed above, we may finally draw the conclusion that working for a large company can give us more chances to promote our abilities, strengthen our self-assurance and get management experience.


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