
考研 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-06

What new skill would you like to learn? Explain why this skill would be good for you to have.
free-choice response :
Paired-choice response
some people like to have meals at home while some others prefer having meals in restaurants. Which do you prefer and explain why.
Format for the NO.1 question:  TST:
T— topic sentence. One sentence
S—supporting ideas (personal experiences, figures, examples, reasons, )                easy to understand
T—transition (First, because, second, finally)
1.       What famous person would you like to visit for one hour? Explain why you choose to meet this person and what you would talk about. Don’t forget to include details and examples in your explanation.
T---Topic:       Bill Gates
S---Supporting   ideas     Billionaire 
earn so much money
Computer genius Good name
Bill gates
T----  Transition    first, Also, because (two points)
If I have a chance to meet someone famous, I’ll choose Bill Gates. First, because he is one of the billionaires in the world, I like to ask him how he can earn so much money. Another reason is that I’d like to tell him he’s got an excellent name. You know, bill means “dollar” and Gates means a lot of entrances. The combination simply means a lot of dollars going to him by going though a lot of entrances. Finally, he set up Microsoft successfully. I really want to know how he could do this. Because I also wanted to set up my own business. I am sure he can help me one way or another.

2.        Describe a place where you go for rest and relaxation. Explain why it is a good place for you to relax. Don’t forget to include details and examples in your explanation.
Movie theater (interest, atmosphere dark place)
Gym (healthy, relaxing running like a little mouse),
net café (relaxing, online chatting, online games),
live concerts, library, disco bars ,sports field (basketball, football etc)
T—Topic: disco bar
S---Supporting   big gathering. loud music
      idea      big party 
      feel relaxed
      shake my body
      release of energy
T---Transition: First, Also, Finally, because
I’d like to go to the disco bar for relaxation. First, because I like big party with a jam of people and I love the loud music, too. Hearing the loud and crazy music, I am dancing with so many people . It makes me get away from my stress temporarily. Also, shaking my body serves as great release of energy, which is also very good stress reducer. Finally, as far as I know, foreigners like to go there, too. I really want to practice my oral English. So probably I can meet one of them and practice English with them. It will be helpful. I am sure.
T—Topic: home
S---Supporting   so cozy.
      idea            books to read
                        feel relaxed
                        family members
                        stress, talk with
T---Transition: First, Also, Finally, because
    I’d like to go home for relaxation. First, because I think home is the most comfortable place in the world. It is so cozy there. I like blue and I paint my home blue. Staying in my home feels like swimming in the blue ocean. Also, there are lots of books to read there. To be able to read my favorite books while swimming in the blue ocean is so relaxing. Finally, I can talk with my dad ,mom and my wife  in my home. I feel good no matter how much pressure I have. Just as the saying goes : “ West, East, Home is the best”
3.       Describe an object that is very special in your life. Explain why this object is important to you. Don’t forget to include details and examples in your explanation.
mobile phone (communication, games, cool, reminder ),
electrical dictionary
(learn English: attend online course, online chatting, online games, songs)
T:  Topic:           an acoustic guitar
S:  Supporting       lonely times
     idea            playing songs
     kill time
     with me    not cheap
     14 times
T:  First, because, Also
   One thing special in my life is an acoustic guitar I bought in 2000.It is very special for me. First, because I always played guitar when I was unhappy . Like last year I was dumped by my 5th girlfriend. I felt so bad that I played the guitar all day long. I don’t think I could survive that without my guitar. Also, this guitar has been with me since I came to Beijing. After I have moved 14 times , it is still with me. Finally, It is not cheap. It costs me one third of my monthly salary. So it is very special to me.
4.       Which place in your hometown would you like to take visitors to have a look?
T– Topic            Nanjing Univer
S– Supporting        best univer
     idea             ranks third
                        beautiful univer
                        trees, lucky beautiful girls
                        school canteen
                         no flies
T—Transition    First, because, Also, finally
If I have a chance to show someone to my hometown, I would like to take them to Nanjing University to have a look. First because it is one of the best universities in China. You know , Nanjing University always ranks the third in China’s universities. Second, it is one of the most beautiful universities in China as well. If you go there, you will see lines of trees and if you are lucky enough, you will find another important factor that makes Nanjing University beautiful: beautiful college girls. Finally, the school canteen in Nanjing University is one of the best. You will have very excellent food service. So those are some of the reasons why I show people there.


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