
考研 Freekaoyan.com/2008-03-12

Some people think that they can learn better by themselves than with a teacher. Others think that it is always better to have a teacher. Which do you prefer? Use specific reasons to develop your essay.
A lot of successful stories in which the main characters did not go to school but achieved unusual accomplishments by teaching themselves are told in many countries and inspired many people to pursue their dreams. However, for common people, the efficient and attractive way of learning is to have a teacher. Teachers can clarify the learning goals or directions, interact with students, and create effective learning spheres.

To begin with, teachers set a clear study plan and direction for students. How can students quickly involve in the new field? What can students achieve after finishing learning? Teachers try to answer these questions by appointing reading materials, giving lectures, evaluating students. By such diverse approaches, students can learn more about what they are taking, and understand what they are studying. On the other hand, learning by themselves, people do not know where to go and what to read. Eventually, they lose their interests or lack sound knowledge in their field.

There is another important factor affecting learning—interaction. Apparently, teachers can ask question to assess how well students understand; in turn, students raise their confusions to require answers. The interaction between teachers and students results to further improvements of the learning and to more clear directions. In contrast, learning by themselves, people cannot receive the necessary and sound information. Even though they have questions about the subjects, they cannot get the answers immediately, and they do not have opportunity to discuss deeply.

Finally, students who learn from teachers have a more effective learning spheres associated with classmates or professionals. Not only can students discuss questions and hence make more progress, but also establish solid network that enable them to access to updated information. However, learning by themselves, people are alone in their learning. Furthermore, they cannot update their knowledge that is critical for the learning.

Therefore, comparing with learning by people themselves, learning from teachers is more effective and efficient. Those students who learn from teachers form a network in their field as well as getting updated knowledge. When people want to study, do not forget to get a teacher.


A lot of successful stories (有点歧义,从你的字面意义上理解是“成功的故事”,但似乎应该是“有关成功人士的故事”,如此可能用stories about successful people 更恰当些)in which the main characters did not go to school but achieved unusual accomplishments by teaching themselves are told in many countries and inspired 时态好像不太对,现在完成时是否好一些?many people to pursue their dreams. However, for common people, the efficient and attractive way of learning is to have a teacher. Teachers can clarify the learning goals or directions是什么的“方向”?Teachers can articulate learning goals and approach to achieve them, interact with students, and create effective learning spheres 用effective修饰spheres 好吗?.

To begin with, teachers set a clear study plan and direction for students. How can students quickly involve (get involved) in the new field? What can students achieve after finishing learning? Teachers try to answer these questions by appointing reading materials, giving lectures, evaluating students. By such diverse approaches, students can learn more about what they are taking, and understand what they are studying(有些重复,students can get a clear picture about what they are studying). On the other hand (用 By comparison 好一些 对比的意思更分明), learning by themselves, people do not know where to go and what to read. Eventually, they lose their interests or lack sound knowledge in their field.

There is another important factor affecting learning—interaction. 第一句不如直接提出teachers 的优势 Apparently, teachers can ask question to assess how well students understand; in turn, students raise their confusions ??to require answers. The interaction between teachers and students results to (sesults in)further improvements (应该用单数吧)of the learning and to more clear (clearer)directions. In contrast, learning by themselves, people (最好是统一用students)cannot receive the necessary and sound information. Even though they have questions about the subjects, they cannot get the answers immediately, and they do not have opportunity to discuss deeply.

Finally, students who learn from teachers have a more effective learning spheres associated with classmates or professionals. Not only can students discuss questions and hence make more progress, 好像少个they but also establish solid network that enable them to access to updated information. However, learning by themselves, people are alone in their learning. Furthermore, they cannot update their knowledge that is critical for the learning.

Therefore, comparing with (compared with)learning by people themselves, learning from teachers is more effective and efficient. Those students who learn from teachers form a network in their field as well as getting updated knowledge. When people want to study, do not forget to get a teacher.


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