
考研 Freekaoyan.com/2008-03-12

46, What are the important qualities of a good son or daughter? Have these qualities changed or remained the same over time in your culture? Use specific reasons and examples to surport your answer.
There are many good qualities that a good son or daughter should have. Respect and independence are two of the most important. These have been true in the past and continue to be the case in the present.

First, a good son or daughter should respect and care for his/her parents. It is not easy for our parents to bring us up, giving us good education and a comfortable life. They deserve all of our respect. There will be times when we have different opinions with our parents. We should always communicate with them to find a solution to the problem but not losing our temper. When our parents get old, it is our responsibility to take care of them. We need to care about their lives, and more importantly, we should chat with frequently to understand their nees, as well as to let them know their children love them and care for them.

Second, the qualified children should be independent when they grow up. When we leave home for college, we should learn to live and study independently so that our parents will not worry if we can get used to the college life. When we graduate and get employed in a workplace, we should work hard and learn how to interact with people so that our parents can know we are already grown up to take on responsibilities as an adult member in the community. When we have our own family, we should take good care of our own families and share the enjoyment with our parents.

Given all the factors I have outlined, we can see finial piety and independence are vitally important to a good son or daughter. Although it is not easy to do them well, as a daughter, I am trying my best, and hope in the future, my children can be of these qualities, too.


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