
考研 Freekaoyan.com/2008-03-12

140 Some items (such as clothes or furniture) can be made by hand or by machine. Which do you prefer items made by hand or items made by machine? Use reasons and specific examples to explain your choice.

Basically, the production of items can be divided into two groups: one is made by hand and the other is made by machine. Some people always ask which one is better, by hand or by machine? For me, both of them have advantages and disadvantages.

Items made by hand are delicate and beautiful in an appearance. For example, most of people like Chinese silk made by hand. The reason is that not only the silk is too delicate to use machine to sew, but also a good piece of hand-made silk will make customers feel it likes a master piece in a degree. In addition, when hand-makers do their jobs, they usually devote more energy and time in them, which allows the possibility of pursuing the accuracy to come true. As we know, there still have many ladies to prefer the tailor-made clothes. Why? The reason is very simple because they think only tailors can meet their needs. We can imagine after the tailor sews the piece stitch by stitch, how it is marvelous to be!

On the other hand, items made by machine have been widely accepted around the world because of the introduction of the machine. It is highly appraised of fastness and durability. Actually, these two characteristics are basic criterion for products. Suppose that the washing machine is out of work only after one-month use, I believe a user definitely feels angry and irritating about the bad quality of this washing machine. In some degrees, we can make sure of the quality made by machine. Furthermore, by machine, people can save time. I don't believer any manufacturers will make furniture by hand at most time. Although this does happen in some cases, they are very
special. Furniture made by machine can be sold to customers as soon as possible, which increases company's profit through fast moving.

However, I agree some advantages about items made by hand and made by machine, there are still have some disadvantages we cannot ignore as well. For items made by hand, it usually takes a quite long time to finish and the cost is accompanied to be very high; for items made by machine, it sometimes is quite rough and not ideal as what users expect.
In view of advantages and disadvantages I mentioned above, I suggest we should see what items we are going to buy first, then decide to choose them made by hand or by machine. If I were a customer, I would prefer choosing clothes made by hand and some furniture by machine. In a short, it is unwise to say which one is better in an arbitrary way.


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