
考研 Freekaoyan.com/2008-03-12

146. Some people prefer to spend their free time outdoors. Other people prefer to spend their leisure time indoors. Would you prefer to be outside or would you prefer to be inside for your leisure activities? Use specific reasons and examples to explain your choice.

Personal experience, life style and emotional concerns affect our choice of spending free time between outdoors and indoors. In my place, I would rather enjoy indoor activities during the leisure time because of the following reasons.

To begin with, in no way had indoor activities have fewer variety than outdoor actions as most people are misled. Indoor swimming, rock climbing, running, playing badminton are all able to content different people with diverse interests. Some people enjoy watching movies in cinemas, reading in a library, listening to music in the bedroom, cooking in the kitchen. Personally, I take pleasure in surfing the Internet that can only be achieved indoors and with the presence of a computer.
Equally important, indoor activities have the advantages that outdoor ones lack, such as safety, freedom from severe weather or other disturbing elements. Doing rock climbing indoors eliminates your worries about getting first aid if accidents happen. Playing basketball in a sport stadium helps you concentrate on the match void of the influence of a storm outside. Reading in a library minimizes the noise of the external world. The merits of indoor activities are enormous and help obtain people’s appreciation widely.

It is true that outdoor actions enable us to have more connections with our nature. However, too much interaction between humans and nature might eventually burden nature with more pollution, such as garbage left by us.

All in all, my preference for staying indoors, supported by the reasons mentioned above, is my choice of the way to spend my leisure time. Furthermore, following the suggestion of interchanging indoor and outdoor activities, it is the best way to build up healthy, strong physical and intellectual capabilities and to live a life of pleasure.


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