
考研 Freekaoyan.com/2008-03-12

TWE 150

In my point of view, watching television is very bad for growing children. It has many negative effects. It occupies children’s most spare time, it’s bad for their health, and the last one, maybe the most important one, is that children can’t learn any helpful or positive things from watching television.

The essential negative effect that can be seen by everyone is that television occupies a child’s most spare time. As far as I concerned, the first thing many kids do after school is to watch television, like movies, or cartoons. Well, I know people might say that is just fine, they got to have some kinds of entertainments. However, the fact is, most of those children, don’t have much self-controlling ability. As a result they would not leave away from the television until the programs they like is over. In addition, there are quite a lot children’s TV channels in nowadays, fascinating programs followed by one another. These conditions, probably, would let children spend their entire afternoon in front of television, and in some occasions, maybe even the evening.

Watching television is also bad for children’s health. Since most children spend their majority time with television, they don’t get sufficient physical exercises. But exercises are vital for children’s health. They need to have enough of them. Furthermore, there would be many other problems following by the lack of physical exercises. One thing, I know for sure, is the fat problem. It’s easy for children to have fat problems if they don’t have enough exercises or outside activities, I mean they obviously need some thing to consume calories in their body. But, certainly, watching television would not provide any help with it.

The third effect, maybe the most critical one, is that children basically can’t learn any helpful or positive things from television. As for me, I really concerned about the information that television provides for children. For instance, some children might have watched a fighting movie or drama just by curiousness, and they saw the enjoyment of victorious people after the triumph. After all, some of them might just want to experience that enjoyment, they may imitate the movie, and experience that feeling by beating other kids in school.

Even though television sometime can educate children and teach them useful stuff, but it has much more negative effects on children. It occupies most of their spare time, it’s bad for their health, and it basically doesn’t teach children anything. Taking into account of all these factors, I personally advice parents to regulate their children’s time for watching television, and make it as less as possible.


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