
考研 Freekaoyan.com/2008-03-12

153. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? A zoo has no useful purpose. Use specific reasons and examples to explain your answer.
Because of the inadequate space for a zoo and the high operating cost, some people claim that a zoo is of no use but others, in contrast, oppose this perspective, maintaining that a zoo can bring people, especially children, a great deal of pleasure as well as knowledge. Correlating to my personal experience, I agree the latter and in the following discussion I will expand my opinions further in two main aspects.

Firstly, though many people hold an argument that a zoo only cages wild animal, it technically protects many precious and rare species nowadays not only from illegal hunting activities but also the environmental pollution having a fatal effect on them. It is reported that a large number of animals extinguish due to their declining abilities to survive. Zoos provide a safe and reliable place for them since it possesses the necessary requirements, the special care, and trainings, enabling animals to have a higher chance of survival.

For the benefits of children’s education, zoos play a significant role which cannot be overlooked. For example, children learn things about animals at school and can substantiate and consolidate what they have learned by visiting a zoo, the nearest place where a variety of animals can be seen, such as penguins, which actually live at the South Pole. In addition, a zoo is a recreation ground for family members. Those happy, vivid memories of visiting zoos are locked in minds and always bring laughter at family parties.

Admittedly, the space for a zoo as well as the availability and number of animals require strict calculation and comprehensive planning respectively. However, a zoo meaning so much to both the animals and us is definitely of great importance.

In conclusion, I absolutely oppose the statement that a zoo has no useful purpose and believe many people hold the same opinion that zoos are necessary and essential for our society.
(315 words in total)


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