
考研 Freekaoyan.com/2008-03-12

174 Every generation of people is different in important ways. How is your generation different from your parents' generation? Use specific reasons and examples to explain your answer.

Without question, different generations differ according to not only age but others as well. Take my family as an example, it is obvious that are some other explicit differences between my parents and me, such as characteristics and the way of thinking.

First, young people have high ambition and are eager to succeed. Not only dose the age give them an advantage, but the vigorous energy as well. There are more time and opportunities for them to chase their dreams. On the other hand, their parents have spent their golden lifetime. And in term of their ability, what they can do is to maintain their not to pursue further achievements. For example, my parents always thank goodness for the comparatively good family condition. It they were facing with the chance to be richer, they would feel well to give it up.

Another major difference is that youths are curious about the world surrounding them. They are new comer to this world. There are so many things that they have never seen. The uncontrolled curiosity draws them to try fresh things. However, in comparison with their parents, they have experience enough to know the world better. The adventure playground is never an exciting place to most adults.

Moreover, youths sometimes seem to be careless and thoughtless in contrast to adults. Youths may rarely think about the result of their behavior. In case, they are willing to buy famous brand clothes, though it may lead no money to pay for sustenance. In addition, young people are more open than their parents. Youths will make friends without considering their background.

To sum up, there is a generation gap between different generations. And it can be embodied in several aspects as I have mentioned above. But I also believe it is just a matter of time that youths would act as their parents usually do, if they were in the parent position.


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