
考研 Freekaoyan.com/2008-03-12

Twe22. We all work or will work in our jobs with many different kinds of people. In your opinion, what are some important characteristics of a co-worker (someone you work closely with)? Use reasons and specific examples to explain why these characteristics are important.

Nowadays, corporation is more and more enhanced, and to be a good co-worker is more and more important. Usually those who succeed in their lives are also successful in working with others. To some extent, to be a good co-worker is more than a skill but an art, and those who have a good master of it often have the characteristics of being responsible, considerate, and tolerant.

First of all, being responsible takes precedence of all the trait of a co-worker. The sense of responsibility will force him to finish his own job as required, which is the basis of corporation. The corporation is like the building while everyone’s own job is the bricks. Without the bricks well done, the building will by no means be finished.

But bricks only cannot make the building, either. Being considerate is like the cement that will correlate each separate part together. A good co-worker is always thoughtful for others, and thus make other feel comfortable and willing to work with him. He will give you a hand when you need help(此处想用“忙不过来”有没有这样的词?), cheer you up when you are in bad mood and take care of your work when you are ill.

Moreover, tolerance is also essential because it is a lubricant between people(这个说法是自己编的……). Mistakes are inevitable in the work and being angry makes no sense. It is the tolerance that will let the one who made the mistake feel eased and being encouraged to do better the next time.

Admittedly, there are a lot of other important characteristics of a co-worker such as intelligence, honesty and a sense of humor, but I still think that the sense of responsibility, thoughtfulness and tolerance weighs more because these three traits help one to be not only a good worker but also a good co-worker.


Twe22. We all work or will work in our jobs with many different kinds of people. In your opinion, what are some important characteristics of a co-worker (someone you work closely with)? Use reasons and specific examples to explain why these characteristics are important.

Nowadays, corporation (pay attention to your spelling)is more and more (or you can use "increasingly" , "more and more" has been used too often)enhanced, and to be a good co-worker is more and more important. Usually those who succeed in their lives are also successful in working with others. To some extent, to be a good co-worker is more than a skill but an art, and those who have a good master of it often have the characteristics of being responsible, considerate, and tolerant.(good!)

First of all, being responsible takes precedence of all the trait (all other traits)of a co-worker. The sense of responsibility will force him to finish his own job as required, which is the basis of corporation. The corporation is like the building while everyone’s own job is the bricks. Without the bricks well done, the building will by no means be finished.(good!)

But bricks only cannot make the building(cannot make the building alone), either. Being considerate is like (acts as)the cement that will correlate each separate part together. A good co-worker is always thoughtful for others, and thus make (making)others feel comfortable and willing to work with him. He will give you ("me" may be better)a hand when you need help(此处想用“忙不过来”有没有这样的词?"need help" is ok), cheer you up when you are in bad mood and take care of your work when you are ill.

Moreover, tolerance is also essential because it is a lubricant between people(in that it may function as lubricant among members of a team)(这个说法是自己编的……). Mistakes are inevitable in the work and being angry makes no sense. It is the tolerance that will let the one who made the mistake feel eased(or you may use"relieved") and being encouraged to do better the next time.

Admittedly, there are a lot of other important characteristics (or you may use "characters","feature")of a co-worker such as intelligence, honesty and a sense of humor, but I still think that the sense of responsibility, thoughtfulness and tolerance weighs more because these three traits help one to be not only a good worker but also a good co-worker.


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