
考研 Freekaoyan.com/2008-03-12

TWE 179 What are some of the qualities of a good parent? Use specific details and examples to explain your answer.

Parents play a leading role in the process of children’s development in our society. Whether a parent is good or not has a major influence on kids’ future. Then, what are some of the qualities of a good parent? When faced with the question, people will present many different answers such as kind-hearted, sensible etc. In my view, however, I advocate that a good parent should be the person who is responsible, patient and has outstanding ability to communicate with kids. My arguments are presented as follows.

To begin with, responsibility is one of the most essential qualifications to be a good parent. Ever since kids come into this world, parents start to undertake the duties. These duties, nevertheless, not only mean providing kids with food or clothes or other basic material things, but also indicate that parents should try their best to form a warm and ideal environment in which adolescence could grow up smoothly and healthily. For instance, in a family, if mum and dad have a good relationship and create a harmonious atmosphere, their children normally shape more healthy mentality and integral personality than those kids living in a single-parent family. Having healthy mentality and integral personality is extremely vital for a child’s development and advancement.

Next, good parent must have patience. Parent’s patience could help kids to learn more knowledge and achieve confidence. Unlike most of the adults, children sometimes appear to have a short memory during their studying. For instance, even though some kids have been told many times not to do the same wrong thing, actually they do. Under such circumstances, a patient parent would spend more time and energy to cultivate their children until they ultimately do the right thing. As a result, the children’s confidence would dramatically get promoted and acquire more knowledge and skills.
Furthermore, a good parent should possess an outstanding ability to communicate freely with sons or daughters.

Communication is the basis of successfully building a strong tie between parents and kids and it will also be beneficial to the children’s development. For example, a mother who is good at communication would make it possible to understand her son thoroughly, find out his merits or demerits, share his happiness and unhappiness, and consequently help him to solve the problems which frustrate him. Thus the relations between them will gradually get stronger. Moreover, children also could learn valuable experience and skills from parents which will be very useful in their future study and work.

Of course, there may be some other personality traits of being a good parent, such as fair and optimistic. But the three points proved here are obviously of primary importance. Therefore, from what have been discussed above, I consider that a good parent should be the person who is responsible, patient and good at communication


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