
考研 Freekaoyan.com/2008-03-12


You have enough money to purchase either a house or a business. Which would you choose to buy? Give specific reasons to explain your choice.

What will you buy when you are given enough money, a house or a business? Nowadays, when faced with such a question, some people will choose to buy a business. Others, on the contrary, will consider to purchase a house instead. The choice, however, is not easy to make. As far as I am concerned, of the two opinions, I would rather agree with the latter than the former. My reasons are listed as follows.

The essential reason why I choose to buy a house lies in that a house will bring my family more happiness and satisfaction. At the present time, my parents and I live in a very small apartment called 'pigeon cage'. There is no heater, no air-conditioner and it will be leaky in a rainy day. So life is very hard especially in chilly winter and in stuffy summer. To be worse, my parents have gotten a lot of serious diseases due to the poor housing condition. To support me to study in the university, they have spent almost all of their money and sacrificed many other material things. I owed my parents a lot. So if I have enough money now, the first thing I will do is to buy a more beautiful and larger house for my parents which could afford them a good chance to enjoy their lives for the spare time.

Next, having a house will promote me to work better than before. Living in a comfortable space, I never have to worry about some uncertain troubles like before, such as the chilly cold and the leaky roof which used to frustrate me often. Even though it is raining heavily now, I need not to get away from work rushing to home. I could pay more attention to my work and get more achievements. What is else, in the new house, I can have a good sleep every night and feel fresh and energetic on every morning, which will also do significant benefits to my career.

Furthermore, a new house would help me to strengthen the relationship with my friends. At weekends or on holidays, I could invite them to my home to have a party, talking about some latest issues, exchanging some good ideas, or listening for a great music CD. Such experiences are exhilarating and do foster the understandings between friends.

Of course, I have to admit that purchasing a business has its own amazing advantages, such as setting up one's own company and making big money etc. But if all the factors are contemplated, the advantages of buying a house carry more weight than those of purchasing a business. From what have been discussed above, I can safely draw the conclusion that I would buy a house when I have enough money.


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