
考研 Freekaoyan.com/2008-03-12

185 You have enough money to purchase either a house or a business. Which would you choose to buy? Give specific reasons to explain your choice.

Given the choice between purchasing a house and a business, which one do we choose? Depending on personal experience, personality type, and emotional concern, some people may choose to buy a house; on the other hand, others might select to possess their own business instead. The choice, nevertheless, is not easy to make. However, from my point of view, I will agree that the later one is an advisable choice. My arguments for this point are listed as follows.

The main reason why I agree with above statement is that owning a company belonging to myself is permanently one of my most desirous dreams. For example, if I had my own business, I would exert my expertise in finance and management to make the maximum profits for the company. Besides, I would want to make an ambience of work which is free and comfortable but highly efficient. Never would I and my employees consider work as a boring task but a kind of enjoyment.

The second reason can be seen by every one is that running a business could make more money. In contrast to a few and fixed salary, operating a business certainly have more probabilities and chances to make an enormous amount of fortune. Maybe it will suffer from all kinds of difficulties and challenges, but at least I have the chance to achieve my goal. Instead, if I selected to buy a house, it would be impossible to make more money.

Last but not the least, running a business not only could offer more employment opportunities, but also contribute to the development of economy. All various businesses are one of the important factors to encourage the advancement of our country and to raise the standards of living. I would be glad to be one of those who devote themselves to improve their society.

To sum up, I would agree that purchasing a business is a sagacious choice for several reasons, among them realizing my permanent dream, making more money, offering more employment opportunities, and improving our society. I would like to devote myself to make our life and country better.

[PS. 353 Words]


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