
考研 Freekaoyan.com/2008-03-12

  43. Which of the following instruments was widely used before the seventeenth century?

  (A) The harpsichord

  (B) The spinet

  (C) The clavichord

  (D) The organ

  44. The words "a supremacy" in line 12 are closest in meaning to

  (A) a suggestion

  (B) an improvement

  (C) a dominance

  (D) a development

  45. The word "supplanted" in line 13 is closest in meaning to

  (A) supported

  (B) promoted

  (C) replaced

  (D) dominated

  46. The word "it" in line 15 refers to the

  (A) variety

  (B) music

  (C) harpsichord

  (D) clavichord

  47. According to the passage, what deficiency did the harpsichord have?

  (A) It was fragile

  (B) It lacked variety in tone.

  (C) It sounded metallic.

  (D) It could not produce a strong sound.

  48. Where in the passage does the author provide a translation?

  (A) Lines 4-5

  (B) Lines 13-15

  (C) Lines 18-19

  (D) Lines 20-25

  49. According to the information in the third paragraph, which of the following improvements made it possible to lengthen the tone produced by the piano?

  (A) The introduction of pedals

  (B) The use of heavy wires

  (C) The use of felt-padded hammerheads

  (D) The metal frame construction

  50. The word "myriad" in line 32 is closest in meaning to

  (A) noticeable

  (B) many

  (C) loud

  (D) unusual


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