
考研 Freekaoyan.com/2008-03-12

16. (A) She needs more time to get ready for the dinner.

  (B) She thought the dinner was at another time.

  (C) She forgot about the plans she made for dinner.

  (D) She won't be able to go to dinner.

  17. (A) Take the class this semester.

  (B) Get permission to take the class.

  (C) Take the class over again.

  (D) Register for the class next semester.

  18. (A) He doesn't like his new eyeglass frames.

  (B) He didn't get a haircut.

  (C) He got his eyeglasses a long time ago.

  (D) Several people have asked him about his new eyeglass frames.

  19. (A) The grades have been calculated correctly.

  (B) The woman will get the grade she deserves.

  (C) The woman received one of the highest grades.

  (D) The woman's grade can't be changed.

  20. (A) She left the lecture for a few minutes.

  (B) She was reading doing the lecture.

  (C) She may have fallen asleep.

  (D) She misunderstood the speaker's last points.

  21. (A) The man hasn't seen Joan recently.

  (B) The man plans to call Joan soon.

  (C) Joan doesn't know what happened to the book.

  (D) Joan gave the book to the man.

  22. (A) Why she should tell her students about her plans.

  (B) What he plans to do when he's on sabbatical.

  (C) Why she can't take a sabbatical next semester.

  (D) Why her students probably weren't surprised by her announcement.


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