
 Over the years, and especially since the Second World War, the realm of landscape architecture has been diversified and its activities classified in response to the needs of a changing world. There now appear to be three clearly definable related stages. First there is landscape planning and assessment. This has a strong ecological and natural science base and is concerned with the systematic evaluation of large areas of land in terms of the land's suitability or capability for any likely future use. The process usually involves a team of specialists. It may result in a land use plan or policy, affecting, for example, the distribution and type of development or land use, the alignment of highways, the location of industrial plant, the conservation of water, soil, and amenity values, and the use of countryside for recreation. The study area usually coincides with a natural physiographic region such as the watershed of a major river or some other logical unit of land;unfortunately these seldom coincide with the legal jurisdiction of county and state boundaries. The planning function may at times be less comprehensive and concentrate on the impact of major proposals on the environment or the identification of land suitable for one major use such as recreation.

  The second stage is site planning. This represents the more conventional kind of landscape architecture and within this realm lies landscape design. Site planning is the process in which the assessment of the site and the requirements of the program for the use of the site are brought together in creative synthesis. Elements and facilities are located on the land in functional relationships and in a manner fully responsive to the characteristics of the site and its region.

  Finally, there is detailed landscape design. This the selection of components, materials, and plants and their combination as solutions to limited and well-defined problems; paving, steps,fountains, and so forth. This is the process through which specific quality is given to the diagrammatic spaces and areas of the site plan.


realm : n. 王国,领土,领域

landscape : n. 风景,山水,风景画;vi. 进行造园工程;vt. 使自然美化

diversified : a. 多变化的,各种的

activity : n. 活动,动作,活力

classified : a. 分类的,类别的,被指定为机密的

response : n. 反应,回答,响应

definable : a. 可解说的,可下定义的,可解释的

assessment : n. 评估,估定,评定的款额

ecological : a. 生态学的,社会生态学的

systematic : a. 有系统的,分类的,体系的

evaluation : n. 评估,估价,求值

capability : n. 能力,性能,容量


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