
考研 Freekaoyan.com/2008-03-12


例如:The author argues that to understand one’s own culture, one must know about at least one another culture which is distinctly different from one’s own culture. While as I am concerned, I can’t agree with the author’s assertion.


  很容易的我们就可以改正:The author argues that the knowledge of another distinctly different culture helps us to truly understand our own. However, I disagree with this assertion.

  这句话把原来的三句分句合成了并无冗长感觉的一句。精简的同时,也恰当地避免了重复多次使用culture,one的问题。用了"this assertion",也避免了在近距离使用两个"author"。



例如:Things happened in the past, known as history, is great treasure for us huan beings, through and only through studying the past can we gain valuable experience which serves as a means of guiding our development of the society.


History consists of the things happened in the past and it is a great treasure to human beings. Through and only through studying the past thoroughly can we gain valuable experience from history. The historical experience serves as a means of guidance for the new development in the society.


例如:For getting a satisfying score, students have to prepare for and review their texts frequently, remember all the knowledge they have learned deep in mind, enlarge their learning if it is possible and so on, especially when examinations are coming. All these efforts, no matter what their aims are, will surely lead to a corresponding paying back.

  段中的这一句"no matter what their aims are",在整个上下文表达上面没有任何实质性的意 义,完完全全是句废话。


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