
考研 Freekaoyan.com/2008-03-12

 2001.8   if you can invent something new, what product do you mostly want to invent. Use special reasons and example to explain.

  2001.5   A big factory will be built in your community. Do u agree or disagree with it. Compare its advantages and disadvantages. Give specific reasons and example to support them.

  2001.1   People recognize difference between children and adults. what events (experiences or ceremonies )make a person an adult? please give speci reasons .

  2000.10  If a large shopping center will be set up near your home, What"s your opinion about it? Give some detailed reason.(not accurately)

  2000.8  Some people think that they can learn better by themselves than with a teacher. Others think it is always better to have a teacher. Which do you prefer?

  2000.5  People recognize difference between children and adults. what events (experiences or ceremonies )make a person an adult? please give special reasons .

  2000.1   some students want to attend a university in their home country, others desire to study abroad. Which is a better way to get education. Give specific reasons.

  1999.10   people remember special gift or presents they have received, why? Specific reasons and examples.

  1999.8   the twentieth century has seen great change. In your opinion, what is one change that should be remembered in this century. Specific reason and examples.

  1999.5  modern life is causing many traditions and beliefs to be less important. Choose one tradition or belief and explain why you think it should be continued or maintained. Give specific reasons and examples. 


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