
考研 Freekaoyan.com/2008-03-12

   be equal to、be known as、in relation to、protect…from、be able to、be obtained from、serve as、interest in、at least、contribute to、live in、belong to、result from、transform into、be based on、come from、begin to、start doing、devote to、settle down、come into contract with、be familiar with、in danger of、be obtained from、familiarity with、be capable of、give up doing、strive to、share … with

  range from…to…、concentrate on、ask for、be famous for、take charge of、be able to do、 ability to do、to a great extent、meet one’s goal、break away from、be adapted to、so…as to、in comparison with、do no harm to、be woven from、be made of、substitute for、benefit from、be involved in、be divided into、be dedicated to、it is estimated that、consist of、take place、play a key role、be related to、begin doing、rest on、date back to、be valuable for、the ratio of…to…

  make up、in nature、comment on、carry on、more…than、give off、depend on、be inclined to、be destined to、a cluster of、be subjected to、in spite of、account for、be rich in、in the future 、feed on、no more than、be made from、be viewed as、give way to、spend…doing、convert…into、  be originated from、as far as is known、permit sb to do、join…with…、use up、interfere with、deal with

  be resistant to、in connection with、look for、spread to、a minimum of、start to、think of、differ from、be considered to be、typical of、be noted for、bring…to light、regardless of、native to、close to、be composed of、be appreciated for、be force to do、change…into…

  by means of、run for、be suited for、a great deal、succeed in doing、be supposed to、in honor of、not more than、in history、be filled with、shield…from、focus attention on、use…to do…、grant sb sth、on account of、bare of、in response to、rank first among、in addition to、be found in、be associated with、be typical of

  the use of、rely on、be derived from、be credited with doing、be known for、act on、together with、be similar to、according to、at one time、due to、contrary to、refer to、be concerned with、bring about、a number of、be dependent on、specialize in doing、tend to、lead to


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