
考研 Freekaoyan.com/2008-03-12

11.说你喜欢Film of comedy, drama,舞台剧的还是什么的的哪个
Film of comedy.
I guess I like the film of comedy better.
First of all, comedy movies is that they can make me laugh, and laughing would definitely help me relax and relieve the pressure from work and study.
Also, the comedy films can develop my sense of humor. This will make others more willing to listen to my stories and bring fun to my life and lives of others.
In addition, I’d be able to make friends with the people who share the same love for the comedy. We can have a little get-together, we talk, laugh, discuss and we all feel like one big family.
12.有些学校开设PE 课程,有些没有,你怎么认为,两者选一啦;
PE importance
1.The running and jumping around can definitely help us relax….
2.PE classes would improve health condition and better prepare us for any physical challenge in the future 
3.All kinds of sports games in PE lessons require us to play in a group, This would help develop our sense of teamwork and the spirit of cooperation, which is quite important in future career in society.
13.favorite park or public area?
Well, I would like to talk about the people’s great hall in our city.
First, it was built in 1950s. It follows a design of ancient Chinese architecture style. it has 10 floors, and a large dome. it can hold more than 8000 people.
In addition, the great hall locates in the central city. In front of the hall, there is also a square and hotel.
Nowadays, the great hall is used to hold ceremonies, art exhibitions and performance.  I like to go to there with my families.
14.study in a university in big city or small city?
Big city
1.There are more great job opportunities in big cities. The big companies would be more likely to offer higher salaries and welfare to employees. So we could have a better life in big city.
2.Big cities have amazing public facilities and convenient transportation. They have more parks, restaurants, cinemas and playgrounds. All of these make life more colorful.
3.There are more people in big cities than small cities. I would be able to make friends with a great many people there. Perhaps, we have a little get-together, we talk, we laugh, we discuss and all these make the vacation much more fun.
15.如果有机会你会选择job or career?
a sound designer for animation or pc games
a couple of reasons to name
first, I love music. I prefer to have a job relevant to music.
in addition, I also like watching animation and playing online games. it is fantastic to combine two of my hobbies together. and it is fortunate to have a job consistent with my hobbies.
besides, I study computer science in university. so I believe I have the professional knowledge for such a kind of job.


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