
考研 Freekaoyan.com/2008-03-12

36.describe a letter or poem or ...that is important to you
I still remember that time I met a serious problem when I was doing research, I was very confused and really disappointed. Then I decided to write a letter to a famous scientist about the problem, to my surprise, I received his reply quickly. In his letter, he raises a method to solve the problem and he also kindly encouraged me to continue my research by praising my work. I was very happy and became confident again. I was very grateful to the professor for his letter.
1.will make us learn from one another’s strong points and get help from others to improve our own abilities in the area. ( prevent personal mistakes and bring everyone’s talent to full play)
2.will improve our interpersonal and communication skills and perform the jobs more efficiently and more effectively.
3.be able to make friends with those who share the same love for a particular subject….
38.Describe which one of the natural environment you prefer to live in: forest, mountain, sea or desert.
Forest: The forest have the most spectacular scenery. The air in this area is very fresh. I could enjoy the forest breeze when I am hiking. There are lots of palm tree and I like green color, because it makes me feel energetic and confident. I could lie in the shade of the tree in hot summer, enjoying the cool breeze. It is very interesting for there are many kinds of wild animals, like birds, squirrels and even monkeys. What a wonderful world!
In my opinion, I prefer to plan my free time carefully. There are several reasons. First of all, by making a careful plan, I can do more things, because I am well organized and I do not waste time. In addition, with a plan I can enjoy myself better. If I have planned ahead I am fully prepared the activities that I am going to engage in and I have nothing to worry about. Furthermore, if I have no plan for my leisure time, maybe I will be bothered by many trivial things, and will not really enjoy my leisure time.
In my opinion, visiting museum is the efficient way to understand a city. There are several reasons. First of all, different place has different history. With the background knowledge introduced by the local museum, the tourist can easily to understand the origin and development of a city. In addition, as a tourist, the most interesting aspect of a new place is usually its customs. It also exhibit in the museum. Furthermore, every place has its own representative arts or crafts. Tourists can access to a wonderful show of these arts and crafts in the local museum.


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