
网络资源 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-25


1. We have ____ the system of exploitation of man by man.

A. cancelledB. abolishedC. refusedD. rejected

2. The drugs must ____ in every way to the standards set up by the government.

A. conformB. confirmC. complyD. correspond

3. It is common knowledge that one culture ____ with its social and economic development in the area.

A. connectsB. relatesC. associatesD. correlates

4. It was shameful that the argument ____ a handfight.

A. ended in B. came to

C. ended up D. culminated in

5. The artist and the author both tried to ____ the splendor of the sunset.

A. depictB. narrateC. describeD. tell

6. The river water was ____ from its old course into a new channel where they were building the dam.

A. turnedB. switchedC. shiftedD. diverted

7. He was ____ with the power of acute observation.

A. conferred B. endowed 

C. equipped D.bestowed

8. Please ____ me on that subject.

A. enlighten B. acquaint 

C. inform D. instruct

9. The security guard ____ two men who were yelling in the courtroom.

A. expelled B. propelled

C. repelledD. dispelled

10. My passport ____ last month, so I will have to get a new one.

A. elapseB. expiredC. endedD. terminated

11. Neither of them thought highly of him and they both tried to______ him in his work.

A. blockB. preventC. hamperD. stop

12. There were a number of tall structures ____ in different colors.

A. enlightenedB. brightened

C. burningD. illuminated

13. Montgomery believed in assembling an overwhelming force and then ______ a crushing blow on his opponent.

A. affiliatingB. conflictingC. afflictedD. inflicting

14. The unpleasant taste ____ in his mouth for hours.

A. prolongedB. waitedC. lingeredD. lengthened

15. The US president ____in the White House during his turn in office.

A. dwellsB. settlesC. residesD. inhabits

16. Every day, the news, government reports and scientific studies ______ to the increasing consequences of population change.

A. verifyB. testifyC. justifyD. prove

17. This agreement will ____ the newspapers from government interference.

A. safeguardB. preventC. guardD. avoid

18. If you don’t complete the work according to the contract, I will ______ you for damages.

A. accuseB. chargeC. sueD. complain

19. The women were able to equal or ____ the men who worked beside them.

A. surpass B. exceed

C. overtakeD. lagged

20. Financial worries gradually ____ his healthand he was obliged to

retire early.



21. It was ____ to predict that the sun will not rise tomorrow.


C.irrational D.abnormal 

22. The words were all ____ and well chosen.


C.apt D.fit

23. In Scotland, as in the rest of the United Kingdom, ____schooling begins at age 5 and ends at age 16.



24. Its strange way of making a nest____ this bird from others.



25. If you go to the palace in tennis shoes, they will think you are ______.



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