
网络资源 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-11


  Suits for All Seasons

  The business suit has for a long time been the uniform for male office workers.But it is not very satisfactory.For a start,it means that all men look the same,give or take their ties.

  But that is not the only problem:at the height of summer the business suit is hot and stuffy,restricting movement,and —since the suit must always be worn with a tie—it demands a tightness at the neck that causes unnecessary discomfort and irritation.

  Women in offices are free to wear what they please,within certain limits.Some women wear business suits,too;but these are usually less formal and,most importantly,they are designed to show off the feminine shape to advantage.The same cannot be said for the male suit.Most men look unattractive in them.They are shapeless,lumpy and dull in colour and do nothing for the male physique.A male office worker's only way of expressing himself in this boring business uniform is through his selection of ties.The tie becomes his outward sign of inner personality.Unfortunatey,few men have any sense of style and fewer still stop to ponder what their personality is really like.For this reason,many male office wokers go to work in apallingly loud,garish ties,in the mistaken belief that they look good.

  Add to all this the problem of cleaning a man's suit.Do men actually clean them at all?A private (and not very scientific) study of male office workers indicates that they do not.Unlike their female counterparts,who are always taking notes to the drycleaners even when they have only been worn once in the past three weeks,men send their suits to the cleaners perhaps once a season.And yet most men wear the same suit to the cleaners perhaps once a season.And yet most men wear the same suit several days a week,with just a change of shirt and tie for variety.

  Why do men not rebel and find some other way of dressing at the office?Well,they have thought this problem through very carefully.They realise how many hours they can save from their morning routine by wearing the same clothes day in,day out.Whereas the average female office worker takes time to plan what she will wear in the morning before ironing her outfit and finding coordinating fashion accessories,all a man has to do is leap out of bed,fumble around in the closet for his underwear and the first available shirt that hasn't had tomato sauce dripped down its front,select a tie at random (only the most fastidious attempt a colour match between suit,shirt and tie) and step into the trousers that have been draped across the back of an armchair in the bedroom the previous night.Simple.Now,where did he leave his shoes and socks?

  18.The author seems to say that.

  A.few men have any sense of style and taste in clothing.

  B.women don't feel fond of suits.

  C.wearing suits requires no thought and gives men extra time.

  D.suits cause unnecessary discomfort and irritation.

  19.The tone of the author is?

  A.Embarassing and uncomfortable. B.Desperate and hopeless.

  C.Humorous and amusing. D.Painful and suffering.


  Primary Colors

  The movie Primary Colors is about a grey/|haired,gravel/|voiced,doughnut/|loving Governor from a Southern American state who is running in a US presidential campaign.He has a colourful past that is in danger of grabbing frontpage deadlines and a no/|nonsense lawyer wife,whose accent would be right at home in a prestigious Chicago law school.The similarities with president Bill Clinton and his wife Hillary seem hard to ignore.

  The book Primary Colors,published under the byline “Anonymous”,became best/|seller when it came out not long after the 1992 American presidential election in which Clinton was elected to the White House.It appeared to be a thinly veiled account of what happened during that campaign.But Mike Nichols,the director of Primary Colors the movie,insists that there is no direct relationship between fiction and fact.

  John Travolta,who plays governor Jack Stanton,agrees.He says that of course there are elements of Clinton in the movie character,but then there are also elements of previous presidents—Jimmy Carter,Ronald Reagan,Franklin Roosevelt and John Kennedy.

  Emma Thompson,the British actress who,as Stanton's wife,masters an educated Chicago accent for her role,says the idea that Primary Colors is a straight re/|run of real life is far to simplistic,and it annoys her to hear of their production talked about in his way.

  “The movie may have connections with the Clintons but it is fiction,”she says.“It deserves to be reviewed and written about seriously.”The furthest she will go is to admit:“You couldn't have the film without the Clintons,without the Kennedys,without the media,without any of us.”

  The film scored well at the box office and critics were enthusiastic about the performances from Travolta and Thomson and co/|stars Kathy Bates,as a political fixer,Larry Hagman,as Stanton's principal political opponent,Billy Bob Thornton,as a political strategist,and Adrian Lester,as Stantons aide.

  Director Nichols admits to having had some worries about the spillover of real/|life scandal on his film.“of course we were concerned when the Monica Lewinsky business became frontpage news.Life moved along with us in a war we did not expect.But we made this film as an entertainment,and that is how people eventually saw it.”

  Movie/|goers in America were constantly reminded that Primary Colors was about them as much as it was abot the Clintons or any other high/|profile political couple.“It's about American politics,life,marriage,fidelity,infidelity—and doughnuts.”

  20.The title can be replaced by.

  A.A Movie Mirrors Bill Clinton and His Wife.

  B.A Movie Mirrors Presidential Election.

  C.A Movie Mirrors Fiction.

  D.A Movie Mirrors Real Life.

  21.According to this text how did critics respond to the movie?

  A.It was merely imitating life. B.It was too much of politics.

  C.It was merely fictious. D.It was too much of entertainment.


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