
网络资源 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-11

  In Section A, B and C you will hear everything ONLY ONCE. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Mark the correct response to each question on the Colored Answer Sheet.
  Question 1 to 5 refer to the talk in this section. At the end of the talk you will be given 15 seconds to answer each of the following five questions.
  Now listen to the talk.
  1. The rules for the first private library in the US were drawn up by ____
  A) the legislature.
  B) the librarian.
  C) John Harvard.
  D) the faculty members.
  2. The earliest public library was also called a subscription library because books ____
  A) could be lent to everyone.
  B) could be left by book stores.
  C) were lent to students and the faculty.
  D) were lent on a membership basis.
  3. Which of the following is NOT stated as one of the purposes of free public libraries?
  A) To provide readers with comfortable reading rooms.
  B) To provide adults with opportunities of further education.来源:www.examda.com
  C) to serve the community's cultural and recreational needs.
  D) to supply technical literature on specialized subjects.
  4. The major difference between modern private and public libraries lies in ____
  A) readership.
  B) content.
  C) service.
  D) function.
  5. The main purpose of the talk is ____
  A) to introduce categories of books in US libraries.
  B) to demonstrate the importance of US libraries.
  C) to explain the roles of different US libraries.
  D) to define the circulation system of US libraries.
  Question 6 to 10 are based on an interview. At the end of the interview you will be given 15 seconds to answer each of the following question.
  Now listen to the interview.
  6. Nancy became a taxi driver because ____
  A) she owned a car.
  B) she drove well.
  C) she liked drivers' uniforms.
  D) it was her childhood dream.
  7. According to her, what was the most difficult about becoming a taxi driver?
  A) The right sense of direction.
  B) The sense of judgment.
  C) The skill of maneuvering.
  D) The size of vehicle.
  8. What does Nancy like best about her job?
  A) Seeing interesting building in the city.
  B) Being able to enjoy the world of nature.
  C) Driving in unsettled weather.
  D) Taking long drives outside the city.
  9. It can be inferred from the interview that Nancy is a(n) ____ mother.
  A) uncaring
  B) strict
  C) affection
  D) permissive
  10. The people Nancy meets are ____
  A) rather difficult to please.
  B) rude to women drivers.
  C) talkative and generous with tips.
  D) different in personality.
  In this section you will hear a mini-lecture. You will hear the lecture ONLY ONCE. While listening to the lecture, take notes on the important points. Your notes will not be marked, but you will need them to complete a 15-minute gap-filling task on ANSWER SHEET ONE after the mini lecture. Use the blank sheet for note-taking.
  On Public Speaking
  When people are asked to give a speech in public for the first time, they usually feel terrified no matter how well they speak in informal situations. In fact, public speaking is the same as any other form of (16) that people are usually engaged in. Public speaking is a way for a    speaker to (17) his thoughts with the audience. Moreover, the speaker is free to decide on the (18) of his speech.
  Two key points to achieve success in public speaking:
  —— (19) of the subject matter.
  —— good preparation of the speech.
  To facilitate their understanding, inform your audience beforehand of the (20) of your speech and end it with a summary.
  Other key points to bear in mind:
  —— be ware of your audience through eye contact.
  —— vary the speed of (21)
  —— use the microphone skillfully to (22) yourself in speech.
  —— be brief in speech; always try to make your message (23)
  Example: the best remembered inaugural speeches of the US presidents are (24) once.
  Therefore brevity is essential to (25) of a speech.
  The following passage contains ten errors .Each line contains a maximum of one error. In each case only one word is involved. You should proofread the passage and correct it in the following way:
  For a wrong word, underline the wrong word and write the correct one in the blank provided at the end of the line.
  For a missing word, mark the position of the missing word with a "^" sign and write the word you believe to be missing in the blank provided at the end    of the line.
  For an unnecessary word, cross the unnecessary word with a slash "/" and put the word in the blank provided at the end of the line.
  When ^ art museum wants a new exhibit,
  (1) an
  it (never/) buys things in finished form and hangs
  (2) never
  them on the wall. When a natural history museum
  wants an exhibition, it must often build it.
  (3) exhibit
  The grammatical words which play so large a part in English
  grammar are the most part sharply and obviously different from
  the lexical words. A rough and ready difference which may
  seem the most obvious is that grammatical words have "less
  meaning", but in fact some grammarians have called them
  "empty" words as opposed in the "full" words of vocabulary. But
  this is a rather misled way of expressing the distinction. Although a
  word like the is not the name of something as man is, it is very
  far away from being meaningless; there is a sharp difference in
  meaning between "man is vile" and "the man is vile", yet the
  is the single vehicle of this difference in meaning.
  Moreover, grammatical words differ considerably among
  themselves as the amount of meaning they have even in the
  lexical sense. Another name for the grammatical words has been
  "little words". But size is by no meaning a good criterion for
  distinguishing the grammatical words of English, when we consider
  that we have lexical words as go, man, say, car. Apart from
  this, however, there is a good deal of truth in what some people
  say: we certainly do create a great number of obscurity when we
  omit them. This is illustrated not only in the poetry of Robert
  Browning but in the prose of telegrams and newspaper headlines.


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