
网络资源 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-11


  Eliots interest in poetry in about 1902 with the discovery of Romantic. He had recalled how he was initiated into poetry by Edward Fitzgeralds Omar Khayyam at the age of fourteen. "It was like a sudden conversion", he said, an "overwhelming introduction to a new world of feeling." From then on, till about his twentieth year of age (1908), he took intensive courses in Byron, Shelley, Keats, Tennyson, Rossetti and Swinburne.   It is, no doubt, a period of keen enjoyment……At this period, the poem, or the poetry of a single poet, invades the youthful consciousness and assume complete possession for a time……The frequent result is an outburst of scribbling which we may call imitation……It is not deliberate choice of a poet to mimic, but writing under a kind of daemonic possession by one poet. Thus, the young Eliot started his career with a mind preoccupied by certain Romantic poets. His imitative scribbling survives in the Harvard Eliot Collection, a part of which is published as Poems Written in Early Youth. "A Lyric" (1905), written at Smith Academy and Eliots first poem ever shown to anthers eye, is a straightforward and spontaneous overflow of a simple feeling. Modeled on Ben Johnson, the poem expresses a conventional theme, and can be summarized in a single sentence: since time and space are limited, let us love while we can. The hero is totally self-confident, with no Prufrockian self-consciousness. He never thinks of retreat, never recognizes his own limitations, and never experiences the kind of inner struggle which will so blight the mind of Prufrock.   "Song: When we came home across the hill" (1907), written after Eliot entered Harvard College, achieved about the same degree of success. The poem is a lovers mourning of the loss of love, the passing of passion, and this is done through a simple contrast. The flowers in the field are blooming and flourishing, but those in his lovers wreath are fading and withering. The point is that, as flowers become waste then they have been plucked, so love passes when it has been consummated. The poem achieves an effect similar to that of Shelleys "when the lamp is shattered".   The from, the dictation and the images are all borrowed. So is the carpe diem theme. In "Song: The Moonflower Opens" (1909), Eliot makes the flower —— love comparison once more and complains that his love is too cold-hearted and does not have "tropical flowers/With scarlet life for me". In these poem, Eliot is not writing in his own right, but the poets who possessed him are writing through him. He is imitating in the usual sense of the word, having not yet developed his critical sense. It should not be strange to find him at this stage so interested in flowers: the flowers in the wreath, this mornings flowers, flowers of yesterday, the moonflower which opens to the moth —— not interested in them as symbols, but interested in them as beautiful objects. In these poems, the Romantics did not just work on his imagination; they compelled his imagination to work their way.   Though merely fin-de-siécle routines, some of these early poems already embodied Eliots mature thinking, and forecasted his later development. "Before Morning" (1908) shows his awareness of the co-habitation of beauty and decay under the same sun and the same sky. "Circles Palace" (1909) shows that he already entertained the view of women as emasculating their male victims or sapping their strength. "On a Portrait" (1909) describes women as mysterious and evanescent, existing "beyond the circle of our thought". Despite all these hints of later development, these poems don not represent the Eliot we know. Their voice is the voice of tradition and their style is that of the Romantic period. It seems to me that the early Eliots connection with Tennyson is especially interesting, in that Tennyson seems to have foreshadowed Eliots own development.

  42. Eliot was wrapped up in ____when he began to write poems.

  A) Edward Fitzgerald's poems

  B) Romantic poets

  C) Classical literature

  D) Romantic literature

  43. Which of the following statement is NOT true of Eliot's first poem?

  A) It was written at Smith Academy.

  B) It was modeled on Ben Johnson.

  C) It was included in Poems Written in Early Youth.

  D) It expresses the theme that a common person's mind is loaded with inner struggle.

  44. Which of the following is NOT Eliot's poem?

  A) "Song: When we came home across the hill"

  B) "Song: The Moonflower Opens"

  C) Fin-de-siécle

  D) "before Morning"

  45. The article is primary concerned with ____

  A) comparing the early poems by Tennyson and Eliot.

  B) illustrating Eliot's talent as a young artist.

  C) introducing some background knowledge of Eliot.

  D) representing Eliot's early style and his connection with Romantic poets.


  The bizarre antics of sleepwalkers have puzzled police, perplexed scientists, and fascinated writers for centuries. There is an endless supply of stories about sleepwalkers. Person have been said to climb on steep roofs, solve mathematical problems, compose music, walk though plate glass windows, and commit murder in their sleep.   How many of these stories have a basic in fact, and how many are pure fakery? No one knows, but if some of the most sensational stories should be taken with a barrel of salt, others are a matter of record.   In Revere, Massachusetts, a hundred policemen combed a waterfront neighborhood for a lost boy who left his home in his sleep and woke up five hours later on a strange sofa in a strange living room, with no idea how he had gone there.   There is an early medical record of a somnambulist who wrote a novel in his sleep. And the great French writer Voltaire knew a sleepwalker who once got our of bed, dressed himself, made a polite bow, danced a minuet, and then undressed and went back to bed.   At the university of Iowa, a student was reported to have the habit of getting up in the middle of the night and walking three-quarters of a mile to the Iowa River. He would take a swim and then go back to his room to bed.   The worlds champion sleepwalker was supposed to have been an Indian, Pandit Ramrakha, who walked sixteen miles along a dangerous road without realizing that he had left his bed. Second in line for the title is probably either a Vienna housewife or a British farmer. The woman did all her shopping on busy streets in her sleep. The farmer, in his sleep, visited a veterinarian miles away.   The leading expert on sleep in American claims that he had never seen a sleepwalker. He is Dr. Nathaniel Kleitman, a physiologist at the University of Chicago. He is said to know more about sleep than any other living man, and during the last thirty-five years had lost a lot of sleep watching people sleep. Says he, "Of course, I know that there are sleepwalkers because I have read about them in the newspapers. But none of my sleepwalkers ever walked, and if I were to advertise for sleepwalkers for an experiment, I doubt that Id get many takers."   Sleepwalking, nevertheless, is a scientific reality. Like hypnosis, it is one of those dramatic, eerie, awe —— inspiring phenomena that sometimes border on the fantastic. It lends itself to controversy and misconceptions. What is certain about sleepwalking is that it is a symptom of emotional disturbance, and that the only way to cure it is to remove the worries and anxieties that cause it. Doctors say that somnambulism is much more common than is generally supposed. Some have set estimated that there are four million somnambulists in the United States. Others set the figure even higher. Many sleepwalkers do not seek help and so are never put on record, which means that an accurate count can never be made.   The simplest explanation of sleepwalking is that it is the acting out of vivid dream. The dream usually comes from guilt, worry, nervousness, or some other emotional conflict. The classic sleepwalker is Shakespeares Lady Mac Beth. Her nightly wanderings were caused by her guilty conscience at having committed murder. Shakespeare said of her, "The eyes are open but their sense is shut."   The age-old question is: Is the sleepwalker actually awake or asleep? Scientists have decided that he is about half-and-half. Like Lady Mac Beth, he had weighty problems on his mind. Dr. Zelda Teplitz, who made a ten-year study of the subject, say, "Some people stay awake all night worrying about their problems. The sleepwalker thrashes them out in his sleep. He is awake in the muscular area, partially asleep in the sensory area." In other words, a person can walk in his sleep, move around, and do other things, but he does not think about what he is doing.   There are many myths about sleepwalkers. One of the most common is the idea that its dangerous or even fatal to waken a sleepwalker abruptly. Experts say that the shock suffered by a sleepwalker suddenly awakened is no greater than that suffered in waking up to the noise of an alarm clock. Another mistaken belief is that sleepwalkers are immune to injury. Actually most sleepwalkers trip over rugs or bump their heads on doors at some time or other.   What are the chances of a sleepwalker committing a murder or doing something else extraordinary in his sleep? Some cases of this have been reported, but they very rarely happen. Of course the few cases that are reported receive a great deal of publicity. Dr. Teplitz say, "Most people have such great inhibitions against murder or violence that they would awaken —— if someone didnt waken them." In general, authorities on sleepwalking agree with her. They think that people will not do anything in their sleep that is against their own moral code. As for the publicized cases, Dr. Teplitz points out, "Sleepwalking itself is dramatic……sleepwalkers can always find an audience. I think that some of their tall tales get exaggerated in the telling." In her own file of case histories, there is not one sleepwalker who ever got beyond his own front door.   Parent often explain their childrens —— or their own —— nocturnal oddities as sleepwalking. Sleepwalking is used as an excuse for all kinds of irrational behavior. There is a case on record of a woman who dreamed that her house was on fire and flung her baby out of the window. Dr. Teplitz believes that this instance of irrational behavior was not due to somnambulism. She believes the woman was seriously deranged or insane, not a sleepwalker.   For their own protection, chronic sleepwalkers have been known to tie themselves in bed, lock their doors, hide the keys, bolt the windows, and rip up all sorts of gadgets or wake themselves if they should get out of bed. Curiously enough, they have an uncanny way of avoiding their own traps when they sleepwalk, so none of their tricks seem to work very well. Some sleepwalkers talk in their sleep loudly enough to wake someone else in the family who can then shake them back to their senses.   Children who walk in their sleep usually outgrow the habit. In many adults, too, the condition is more or less temporary. If it happens often, however, the sleepwalker should seek help. Although sleepwalking itself is nothing to become alarmed about, the problems that cause the sleepwalking may be very serious.

  46. What does the phrase "taken with a barrel of salt" mean at end of the second paragraph?

  A) inconceivable

  B) unbelievable

  C) suspected

  D) implausible

  47. Who was supposed to be the world's champion sleepwalker?

  A) The man walked sixteen miles along a dangerous road.

  B) The boy walked five hours in his sleep.

  C) The student habitually walked to the Iowa River and swam in his sleep.

  D) The man danced a minuet in his sleep.

  48. What is true of sleepwalking according to the passage?

  A) It is caused by emotional conflict or guilty conscience.

  B) It is the acting out of a vivid dream.

  C) Somnambulists are asleep during their sleepwalking.

  D) It is dangerous to waken a sleepwalker.

  49. Dr. Zelda Teplitz ____

  A) studied sleepwalking for at least ten years.

  B) concluded that sleepwalkers are partially asleep in their sensory area.

  C) maintained that it is a mistaken belief that sleepwalkers are immune to injury.

  D) A and B

  50. The writer makes it obvious that ____.

  A) sleepwalkers are often awakened by dangers

  B) the underlying cause of sleepwalking is more serious than sleepwalking itself

  C) most sleepwalkers are deranged or insane

  D) All of the above.


  In this section there are seven passage followed by ten multiple-choice questions. Skim or scan them as required and then mark your answers on your Answer Sheet.


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