
网络资源 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-11

  TEXT J First read the question.  58. Ghirardelli square is mentioned in the passage to illustrate ____. A. the construction of new buildings to solve the problem of physical decay of old buildings B. the demolition of old buildings to make way for new buildings C. the restoration of old buildings to turn them to commercial purposes D. the tendency to endow old cities new identity and character Now go through TEXT J quickly to answer question 58.   In spite of the wealth of examples of urban architecture in older cities, both in Europe and in the United States, solutions to current problems of the physical decay of cities in the United States have come slowly. The first reaction after the war was to bulldoze and build bright new towers and efficient roadways, but these solutions did not respond to people. By the close of the 1960s it became more common to deal gently with the existing urban fabric and to insert new buildings in such a way as to complement the physical and social environment; in other cases valued buildings have been rehabilitated and returned to economic productivity. A particularly striking example is the rehabilitation of Ghirardelli Square, San Francisco. This hillside mélange of nineteenth-century commercial buildings, clustered around a chocolate plant, was purchased in 1962 by William Roth to forestall wholesale development of the waterfront as a district of high-rent apartment towers. Nearly all of the nineteenth-century buildings were retained and refurbished, and a low arcade was added on the waterside. There are several levels, dotted with kiosks and fountains, which offer varied prospects of San Francisco Bay. Perhaps most telling is the preservation of the huge Ghirardelli sign as an important landmark; it is such improbable, irrational, and cherished idiosyncrasies which give cities identity and character.

  58. Ghirardelli square is mentioned in the passage to illustrate ____.

  A) the construction of new buildings to solve the problem of physical decay of old buildings

  B) the demolition of old buildings to make way for new buildings

  C) the restoration of old buildings to turn them to commercial purposes

  D) the tendency to endow old cities' new identity and character

  TEXT K First read the question.  59. In the writers point of view, man is unique in ____. A. killing members of the same species habitually B. enjoying watching disgusting acts of violence C. gaining pleasure from brutally treating each other D. his savage impulse to torture members of the same species 60. The word "aggression" ____. A. is difficult to define because it covers a great variety of human activities B. is ambiguous because the dividing line between aggression and many other acts is unclear C. is so imprecise that it is pointless to define it D. Both A and B Now go through TEXT K quickly to answer question 59 and 60.   Than man is an aggressive creature will hardly be disputed. With the exception of certain rodents, no other vertebrate habitually destroys members of his own species. No other animal takes positive pleasure in the exercise of cruelty upon another of his own kind. We generally describe the most disgusting examples of mans cruelty as brutal, implying by these adjectives that such behaviors is characteristic of less highly developed animals than ourselves. In truth, however, the extreme of "brutal" behavior are confined to man; and there is no parallel in nature to our savage treatment of each other. The depressing fact is that we are cruelest and most ruthless species that has ever walked the earth; and that, although we may shrink back in horror when we read newspaper or history book of the brutalities committed by man upon man, we know in our hearts that each one of us harbors within himself those same savage impulses which lead to murder, to torture and to war.   To write about human aggression is a difficult task because the term is used so many different senses. Aggression is one of those words which every one knows, but which is nevertheless hard to define. As psychologists use it, it covers a very wide range of human behavior. The red-faced infant squalling for the bottle is being aggressive; and so is the judge who awards a thirty-year sentence for robbery. the guard in a concentration camp who tortures his helpless victim is obviously acting aggressively. Less manifestly, but no less certainly, so is the neglected wife who threatens or attempts suicide in order to regain her husbands affection. When a word becomes so diffusely applied that it is used both of the competitive striving of a footballer and also of the bloody violence of a murderer, it ought either to be dropped or else more closely defined. Aggression is a combine term which is fairly bursting at its junctions. Yet until we can more clearly designate and comprehend the various aspects of human behavior which are subsumed under this head, we cannot discard the concept.   One difficulty is that there is no clear dividing line between those forms of aggression which we all deplore and those which we must not disown if we are to survive. When a child rebels against authority it is being aggressive; but it is also manifesting a drive towards independence which is a necessary and valuable part of growing up. The desire for power has, in extreme form, disastrous aspects which we all acknowledge; but the drive to conquer difficulties, or to gain mastery over the external world underlies the greatest of human achievements. Some writers define aggression as "that response which follows frustration", or as "an act whose goal-response is injury to an organism (or organism surrogate)". In the authors view these definitions impose limits upon the concepts of aggression word is attempting to express. It is worth noticing, for instance, that the words we use to describe intellectual effort are aggressive words. We attack problems, or get our teeth into them. We sharpen our wits, hoping that our mind will develop a keen edge in order that we may better divide a problem into its component parts. Although intellectual tasks are often frustrating, to argue that all intellectual effort is the result of frustration is to impose too negative a coloring upon the positive impulse to comprehend and master the external world.

  59. In the writer's point of view, man is unique in ____.

  A) killing members of the same species habitually

  B) enjoying watching disgusting acts of violence

  C) gaining pleasure from brutally treating each other

  D) his savage impulse to torture members of the same species

  60. The word "aggression" ____.

  A) is difficult to define because it covers a great variety of human activities

  B) is ambiguous because the dividing line between aggression and many other acts is unclear

  C) is so imprecise that it is pointless to define it

  D) Both A and B


  Translate the following part of the text into English. Write your translation on ANSWER SHEET THREE.



  Translate the following underlined part of the text into Chinese. Write your translation on ANSWER SHEET THREE.

  Pushed by rural poverty, pulled by the hope of a better life in the cities, tens of millions of country people uproot themselves every year to join the swelling urban slums. The migrants find no houses waiting for them, no water supplies, no sewerage systems, no schools —— and no welcome. They are usually resented by wealthier citizens and ignored, at best, by the authorities. They have to settle on land no one else wants, land that is too wet, too dry, too steep or too polluted for normal habitation. They throw up makeshift hovels, made of whatever they can find —— sticks, fronds, cardboard, tarpaper or petrol tins. If they are lucky, they may use corrugated iron.   Infant morality rates in city slums in Bangladesh are 50 times higher even than in the deprived countryside the migrants left behind; in Manilas slums they are three times higher —— and tuberculosis is nine times more common —— than in the rest of the city. Worldwide, the UN estimates, at least 250 million urban dwellers cannot get safe drinking water and many of those who do, have to rely on standpipes that run for only for a few hours a day. At least 400 million are without latrines for sanitation. By 2000, most children in Third World towns will be born to such desperately poor families. Already more than 100 million homeless children struggle to survive on the streets.


  Directions: For this topic, different people have different ideas. Then whats yours?

  Write an essay of about 300 words within 60 minutes.

  My View on Opportunity In the first paragraph you should present your thesis statement and in the following paragraphs you should support your statement with appropriate details or examples.  Mark will be awarded for content, organization, grammar, and appropriacy. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.


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