
网络资源 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-11

  TEXT J First read the questions. 57. New Zealand used to drink ______. A. a lot around 6 oclock in the hovels B. a lot around 6 oclock in the pretty good pubs C. Australian beer in the hovels D. little around 6 oclock 58.For some time, that stout town was "dry" because ______. A. there was little water in the town B. there were many pubs in the town C. alcoholic drinks were prohibited D. the pubs were Trust operated Now go through TEXT J quickly to answer questions 57 and 58. New Zealanders are great drinkers and the beer is good although not so strong as Australian beer. The pubs are generally pretty good, not all bare hovels as so many Australian pubs are, theyre improving too as the old 6 0clock swill days recede into the past. Lion and DB are the main brands, (in fact all the beer is now brewed by only two companies), but down in the deep south youll see some different labels —— Speights, Southland Bitter, Bavarian. Bavarian used to be brewed by a private company before it was taken over by one of the two giants, as was much of New Zealands beer. Many a true Bavarian drinker will tell you its not the same as in the good old days. Cans arent very popular, a lot of beer is sold in bottles (cheaper than cans and refundable), but in a pub it is cheapest to buy it on tap. Ask for "7" (a "7" was seven fluid ounces —— now youll get a 200 ml glass, the nearest metric equivalent, but often called "7"-old ways die hard —— about 40c), a "handle" (a halt liter or liter mug, with a handle-about 82c) or a "jug" (just that-about 1.65). It might seem a bit incongruous saying a handle is a half liter or liter, but giving only one price. In New Zealand public bars are the cheapest (where youd get a liter for 80c), while lounge or other bars tend to mark their drinks up more (so you may spend 80c on only a half handle). In public bars you can wear anything, but lounge bars have a lot of "neat dress required" signs around —— you sometimes get the feeling they are determined to be the last home of the necktie. The bars with the action (as in entertainment) are normally lounge bars, which make things a bit awkward for the traveler with his jeans, sandals and T-shirt at times, while the public bars have the other sort of action (fights) —— actually generally theyre OK; cheaper booze, relaxed; theres just a few of them its best to steer clear of. A New Zealand invention is the Trust operated pub which started in Invercargill. For some time that stout town was "dry" and when the prohibition was repealed they decided that pubs should be publicly owned and the profits go to the community. It worked so well that many other pubs around the country are also Trust operated. New Zealand also had a thriving wine producing industry, Never thought about the Auckland vineyards did you? Like Australian wine the local product once had a pretty terrible name, but it has improved in recent years, although some people say the reds still have a long way to go. But one traveler, loud in his praise and an ardent red drinker, went into a right rave about the seven or eight clarets and burgundies he tried. His favorite was the Woodbourne Cabernet Sauvignon at 5.50. Anyway, try some while youre in NZ and make up your own mind. Keep clear of the bubbly, its ludicrously expensive whether its quality stuff or piss. Another drop to tickle the taste buds is kiwifruit wine; there are lots of different varieties —— still and bubbly, sweet and dry —— not least of which is a liqueur. You may not like it, but NZs the best place to try it. Its also an interesting way to while away a few hours —— taking a look at a kiwifruit winery and having a free tasting in pleasant surroundings. The ever resourceful Kiwis even grow a little dope —— it may not rival Acapulco Gold —— but its still very pleasant stuff.
  57. New Zealand used to drink ______.
  A) a lot around 6 o'clock in the hovels
  B) a lot around 6 o'clock in the pretty good pubs
  C) Australian beer in the hovels
  D) little around 6 o'clock
  58. For some time, that stout town was "dry" because ______.
  A) there was little water in the town
  B) there were many pubs in the town
  C) alcoholic drinks were prohibited
  D) the pubs were Trust operated
  TEXT K First read the questions. 59.According to the first paragraph, if a company doesnt use Internet, the company will ______. A. be eliminated in the competition B. lose the opportunity to use Internet C. redefine the way the world does business D. not be suitable to the digital economy 60.If a Chinese student wants to study at the university, he or she should have the following except ______. A. a Bachelors degree B. a minimum of 2 years work experience C. a TOFEL score of 600 D. a minimum of 2 years specialized computing experience Now go through TEXT K quickly to answer questions 59 and 60. In five years time all companies will be Internet companies or they wont be companies at all, according to Andy Groves, chief executive of the Intel Corporation. The digital economy is a reality and it is redefining the way the world does business. Major Chinese Internet brands like Myweb.com, Dangdang.com and sohu.net are beginning to emerge. Indeed, businesses in China are going on-line at the rate of two a day, according to the China Internet Network Information Center. One of the issues threatening to hold back this growth is the lack of suitably qualified people to manage e-business processes. Now Liverpool John Moores University, one of the United Kingdoms largest universities is offering an MBA e-commerce course specially designed to help students take advantage of the new opportunities. The course aims to develop students existing management skills in the area of finance, information, people and operations within the context of the e-commerce environment. John Vaughan, MBA director at Liverpool John Moores University said, "We have not simply added new modules to our program, we have completely refocused it. Graduates from this course will be able to project-manage an e-commerce activity and have the knowledge to co-operate with specialists in technology and design." Courses within the MBA include: Managing E-commerce Solutions, Managing Finance, Managing Information, Design for E-commerce, Marketing and the Internet, Strategies Management, Networked Information Systems and others. The program have lasts for one year and begins in September or January. Students will be taught by university staff as well as by a series of guests from many leading companies involved in the e-business environment. Applicants do not need any specialized computing background. However, students are required to have a Bachelors degree, a minimum of two years work experience and a TOFEL score of 600. Many Chinese students choose to follow business or engineering programs.
  59. According to the first paragraph, if a company doesn't use Internet, the company will ______.
  A) be eliminated in the competition
  B) lose the opportunity to use Internet
  C) redefine the way the world does business
  D) not be suitable to the digital economy
  60. If a Chinese student wants to study at the university, he or she should have the following except ______.
  A) a Bachelor's degree
  B) a minimum of 2 years' work experience
  C) a TOFEL score of 600
  D) a minimum of 2 years' specialized computing experience
  Translate the following part of the text into English. Write your translation on ANSWER SHEET THREE.
  1935年,在民族危亡的紧急关头,清华大学学生在中国共产党的领导下,同其他学校一起发动了划时代的“一二.九”运动,走上了抗日救亡的第一线。许多优秀学生在抗日战争中显出了年轻的生命,一批“一二.九”运动中的骨干,经过革命斗争的锤炼,成长为新中国各个方面的领导人。 抗日战争时期,清华大学、北京大学、南开大学组成的西南联合大学,继承中国学生光荣的革命传统,被誉为“大后方的民主堡垒”。抗日战争胜利后,为了反对国民党反对派的独裁统治和内战政策,西南联大的师生与1945年12月,发动了声势浩大的“一二.一”运动,在全国掀起了争民主反内战的热潮。
  Translate the following underlined part of the text into Chinese. Write your translation on ANSWER SHEET THREE.
  He stood out splendidly above all my uncles because he did not stand out at all. That was his distinction. He was the averagest man I ever knew. you should never pick him out in a crowd. He became just another man the minute he was in one. So many people pounds of man. Good solid pounds, but just pounds. You would never remember his hair or his chin, or the shape of his ears. If he said something, you would agree with it, and, an hour later, you would be sure you had said it yourself. Sometimes I think men like that get along about the best. They are the easiest on their houses, their wives, and their children. They are easiest on the world. They slide along without having to do any thing about it as small boys do on their breeches after they have slid on them enough to wear them down smooth. The world is all so much pine needles under them. Uncle Amos was easy on his wives and children. He had three of them , in all. Wives, I mean. I never did get the count of his children straight, there were too many assortments of myself, having to stand on my head and work my legs, or bung stones at cherry birds, to keep the attention of just one girl for a month.
  Directions: There are many differences between human beings and animals. Write an essay of about 300 words presenting some main differences within 60 minutes.
  Write an essay of about 300 words within 60 minutes. After presenting the two different ideas about advertisements you should state your own opinion about this topic and give the reason why.
  Mark will be awarded for content, organization, grammar, and appropriacy. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.
  The differences between human beings and animals


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