
网络资源 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-11


  First read the following questions.

  59. The University of Swansea offers 470 degree courses for ____

  A. undergraduates. B. postgraduates. C. both A and B. D. Chinese students.

  60. According to the two Chinese students, Swansea is not considered as a ____ city.

  A. friendly. B. expensive. C. beautiful. D. safe.

  Now go through TEXT K quickly and answer questions 59 and 60.

  The University of Wales Swansea has a compact campus a couple of miles from the city center. There are over 10,700 registered students following courses din the arts and social studies, business, economics and law, engineering, heath science and science. The University of Swansea offers 470 degree courses available at undergraduates and postgraduate level.

  Tutors hold regular discussions with students in order to ensure that they are making satisfactory progress. Satisfactory progress means that a student must attend the required number of lectures and tutorials as well as complete all set assignments.

  The students must also have passed the assessment scheme appropriate to that module. If, at the end of a year of study, a student fails one or more of the examinations, permission may be given to re-sit in the following September before the beginning of the next session.

  However, there is no hard and fast rule governing permission to re-sit. Each individual case will be examined very carefully and all the factors, which have any bearing on the student's work, including any relevant personal circumstances (such as illness), will be sympathetically taken into consideration.

  Each student must therefore aim to attain 120 credit points at the end of each year of study, in order to qualify to proceed, or in the case of final-year students, to be eligible to be considered for the award of a degree.

  Two girls, Sun Yuen Chai and Yau Pui Wah, are studying the MSc in Health Care Management. They are from Shanghai. Sun is 24 and Yau is 25. Sun Yuen Chai:“ I chose Swansea because of the quality content of the course and also because of its reputation as a friendly and safe city. I was also impressed by their speed of response to my application. I had everything I need so quickly. I also love being right beside the sea.

  Yau Pui Wah:“ Swansea is so beautiful, and so cheap compared to other UK cities. I found out about Swansea through the British Council and they offered the course I wanted. I love it and hope to stay to do a PhD. I recommend it to Chinese students”。

  PAPER TWO ( Time Limit: 120 MIN.)



  61. Translate the following passage into English. Write your translation on the Answer Sheet Three.

  指南车(the compass vehicle) 相传是黄帝发明的,到汉代便有了制造指南车的正式记载。指南车是中国古代科技成果的杰出典范,一向为国内外学者广泛重视。可惜,历史上没有留下指南车的事物,后人只能根据各种史料的记载来研究它的结构和原理,并把他复原。中国的一些著名学者都曾经致力于这项工作,30年代,王振铎先生就已复原出指南车的模型。50年代,在他主持下,中国历史博物馆又再次复原了指南车。在国外,20年代英国已有研究指南车的论文发表,英国博物馆也制作了指南车的模型。


  62. Translate the following passage into Chinese. Write your translation on Answer Sheet Three.

  From this hill I have watched many moons rise. Each one had its own mood. There have been broad, confident harvest moons in autumn, shy, misty moons in spring; lonely, white winter moons rising into the utter silence of an ink-black sky and smoke-smudged orange moons over the dry fields of summer. Each, like fine music, excited my heart and then calmed my soul.

  Moon gazing is an ancient art. To prehistoric hunters the moon overhead was as unerring as heartbeat. They knew that every 29 days it became full-bellied and brilliant, then sickened and died, and then was reborn. They knew the waxing moon appeared larger and higher overhead after each succeeding sunset. They knew the waning moon rose later each night until it vanished in the sunrise. To have understood the moon's patterns from experience must have been a profound thing.

  But we, who live indoors, have lost contact with the moon. The glare of street lights and the dust of population veil the night sky. Though men have walked on the moon, it grows less familiar. Few of us can say what time the moon will rise tonight.

  Still, it tugs at our minds. If we unexpectedly encounter the full moon, huge and yellow over the horizon, we are helpless but to stare back at its commanding presence.

  PART V: Writing (60 min.)

  Adult Education Boom

  Directions: Account for the boom in adult education and discuss the main reasons within 60 minutes. The length of your essay should be about 300 words.

  In the first part of your writing you should present a brief description of adult education boom and in the following part you should present the reasons with appropriate examples. In the last part you may state your own view on this topic.

  Mark will be awarded for content, organization, grammar, and appropriacy. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.


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