
网络资源 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-11


  There are ten multiple-choice questions in this section. Choose the best answer to each question. Mark your answers on your answer sheet.

  31. ___31___ is William Shakespeare's hometown.

  A. Canterbury B. Stratford-on-Avon C. Liverpool D. London

  32. Tower of London used to be a ___32___.

  A. supermarket B. park C. prison D. garden

  33. Kangaroo means ___33___ in the native language of Aborigines.

  A. “I know” B. “I love” C. “I don't know” D. “Run”

  34. The native people of New Zealand are ___34___.

  A. Maoris B. Indians C. Aborigines D. Celts

  35. The allusion “A Pound of Flesh” comes from Shakespeare's ___35___.

  A. Hamlet B. The Merchant of Venice C. King Lear D. Othello

  36. The name Heathcliff probably appears in ___36___.

  A. Tess B. Wuthering Heights C. Bleak House D. Jane Eyre

  37. American Transcendentalism attaches great importance to ___37___.

  A. Inspiration B. Imagination C. Intuition D. Reason

  38. The minimal phonological unit is ___38___.

  A. phoneme B. morpheme C. root D. syllable

  39. ___39___ proposed TG grammar.

  A. Hymes B. Chomsky C. Halliday D. Saussure

  40. ___40___ is the scientific study of the internal structure of words and of the rules by which words are formed.

  A. Semantics B. Syntax C. Pragmatics D. Morphology


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