
网络资源 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-11


  The passage contains TEN errors. Each indicated line contains a maximum of ONE error. In each case, only ONE word is involved. You should proofread the passage and correct it in the following way:

  It often happens that a number of applicants with almost identical

  qualifications and experience all apply for the same position. In his ___41___

  educational background, special skills and work experience, there is much, ___42___

  if anything, to choose between half a dozen candidates. How then does the

  employer make a choice? Usually on the basis of an interview.

  There are many arguments for and against the interview as a selection

  procedure. The main argument against it is that it results in a whole subject ___43___

  decision. As often as not, employers do not choose best candidates, they ___44___

  choose the candidate who makes a good first impression with them. Some ___45___

  employers, of course, reply to this argument by saying that they have become

  so experienced in interviewing staff so that they are able to make a sound ___46___

  assessment of each candidate's likely performance.

  The main argument in favor of the interview—is that an employer is

  concerned not only with a candidate's ability, but about the suitability of ___47___

  his or her personality for the particular work situation. Many employers,

  for example, will overlook occasional efficiencies from their secretary ___48___

  provided that she has a pleasant personality.

  It is perhaps true to say, therefore, that the real purpose of an interview

  is not to assess the assessable aspects of each candidate but to make a guess

  at the more tangible things, such as personality, character and social ability. ___49___

  Fortunately, both for the employers and applicants for jobs, there are many ___50___

  people of great ability who simply do not interview well.


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