
网络资源 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-11

1. The_ is used by astrologers to help calculate the influence of the planets on people’s lives.
A. zephyr         B.zodiac        C.zyme           D.zest

2. It’s a_ timetable. Sometime lessons happen, sometimes they don’t.
A. haphazard      B.odious        C.haughty         D.handicapped

3. No men was allowed to_ on the livelihood of his neighbour.
A. wade          B.invoke        C.muffle          D.infringe

4. The poor man’s clothes were so____that they couldn’t be repaired any more.
A. oozed          B.ragged        C.mopped        D.mocked

5. The scents of the flowers was_____to us by the breeze.
A. intercepted      B.detested       C.saturated       D.wafted

6. The machinery had been wrecked so efficiently that police were sure it was a case of____.
A.vagaboned      B.sabotage      C.paradox         D.tachyon

7. The actor amused the audience by____some well-known people.
A. embroidering    B.rigging       C.yelping         D.mimicking

8. The speaker____us with tales of exotic lands and buried treasure.
A. detour         B.offset         C.tantalized       D. ushered

9. I assure you there was no____ motive in my suggestion.
A. ulterior        B.stationary      C. vulgar          D. toxic

10. Government loan have been the____of several shaky business companies.
A. tornado        B.salvation      C.delinquency      D. momentum



1—5   BADBD   
6—10 BDCAB



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