
网络资源 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-11

21. When you are suffering from_ you have red spots on your skin and you feel as if you have a cold,
A. apathy            B. measles       C. impotence       D. schizophrenia

22. Their business was war, murder, _ and rape.
A. pillage            B. audit          C. bonanza        D. nectar

23. He was brought before the_ for trial.
A. tribunal           B. isle           C. granary         D. observatory

24. The guests, having eaten until they were____, now listened inattentively to the speakers.
A. contracepted       B. satiated        C. griped          D. trespassed

25. If you spill hot liquid on your skin it will____you.
A. scale             B. scald           C. shun           D. shunt

26. The meeting took on a different____after his moving speech.
A. presage           B. posture         C. travesty         D. trauma

27. While she had the fever, she_____for hours.
A .raved             B. sniggered       C. tittered          D. perforated

28. The mice_____when the cat came.
A. rambled           B. lingered        C. sauntered        D. scampered

29. Many animals display____instincts only while their offspring are young and helpless.
A. cerebral           B. imperious       C. rueful           D. maternal

30. On August 18th the president announced a general_____for political exiles.
A. ado               B. yoga           C. quartet           D. amnesty



21—25 BAABB    
26—30 BADDD


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