
网络资源 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-11

1.Morphology is a study of ___1___
A.the internal structure of words and the rules that govern their formation
B.the uses of different types of utterances in different contexts
C.the differences between sounds used in human languages and sounds in nature
D.the rules that pertain to all languages throughout the world

2.Which of the following does NOT belong to “open class words”?___2___
A. Nouns B. Adjectives C. Conjunctions D. Adverbs

3. What is the minimal unit of meaning?___3___
A. Phoneme B. Morpheme C. Allophone D. Allomorph

4. Which of the following is NOT a free morpheme?___4___
A. bed B. tress C. dance D. children

5. Which of the following is NOT a compound word?___5___
A. Rainbow B. Inaction C. Icy-cold D. Unpleasant

6. ___6___ are bound morphemes because they can not be used as separate words.
A. Roots B. Stems C. Affixes D. Compounds

7.Syntax mainly deals with ___7___
A.how a language changes through time
B.how words are combined to form sentences and the rules that govern the formation of sentences.
C.how the human work when they use language
D.how a language varies through geographical space

8.Syntactic categories contain the type of ___8___
A.meaning that words express
B.affixes that the words take
C.structures in which the words can occur
D.all of the above

9.Which of the following is NOT the concern of a word category? ___9___
A.A word category can be determined by meaning, inflection and distribution
B.To determine a word’s category by its meaning only is often not reliable.
C.A word category can be embodied directly from its meaning.
D.Distribution is more reliable than the meaning to determine a word’s category.

10.What elements does a phrase contain? ___10___
A.Head, determine and complement.
B.Head, specifier and complement.
C.Head, specifier and complementizer.
D.Head, determiner and complementizer.



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