
网络资源 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-11

1.Where is Belfast?
A.In Ireland. B. In Wales C. In Northern Ireland. D. In Scotland.

2.The capital of New Zealand is_____
A.Canberra. B. Ottawa. C. Wellington. D. Washington.

3.Which of the following is NOT a U.K. newspaper?
A.The Guardian. B. Christian Science Monitor. C. The Daily Telegraph. D. The Times.

4.The community college is a kind of_____ college popular in_____ to satisfy the needs of both the individual and the society.
A.five-year; U.K. B. four-year; U.K. C. three-year; U.S. D. two-year; U.S.

5.James Joyce was a famous____ whose masterpiece Ulysses has been highly eulogized in the Western literary world as one of the greatest works in the 20th century.
A.Essayist. B. novelist. C. poet. D. playwright.

6.George Gordon Byron was famous for the following works except____
A.Child Harold’s Pilgrimage. B. Queen Mab. C. Hours of Idleness. D. Don Juan.

7.Which of the following is Nathaniel Hawthorne’s most noteworthy novel in the world?
A.Gone with the Wind. B. For Whom the Bell Tolls. C. American Tragedy. D. The Scarlet Letter

8.The study of the rules whereby words or other elements of sentence structure are combined to form grammatical sentences is______.
A.syntax B. semantics C. morphology D. sociolinguistics

9.Words like “Xerox” and ”Kodak” are formed by____
A.back-formation B. blending C. coinage D. acronym

10.Which of the following is NOT an approach for English language to enrich its vocabulary in the past several centuries?
A.Borrowing B. Upgradation C. Narrowing D. Widening



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