
网络资源 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-11

  50. We threw water over the woman to bring her_____.

  A) up

  B) back

  C) round

  D) over

  51. Their educational qualifications ____ them to a higher alary.

  A) confers

  B) entitles

  C) grants

  D) credits

  52. Not knowing she had _____ out with her boyfriend, I make the mistake of inviting them both to the party.

  A) fallen

  B) quarreled

  C) parted

  D) separated

  53. John is ______ to be washing the car, but he is watching TV now.

  A) asked

  B) supposed

  C) requested

  D) ordered

  54. We caught a ____ of a river as the train pass over a bridge.

  A) glance

  B) glimpse

  C) look

  D) sight

  55. You may be eligible for a ______ to help you study.

  A) fund

  B) grant

  C) prize

  D) reward

  56. Here are all the books I have,. You may borrow ____ you like.

  A) whichever

  B) that

  C) which

  D) however

  57. Would you be _____ to close the door?

  A) too kind

  B) kind enough

  C) as kind

  D) so kind

  58. Oh dear, I don't feel very well. I think _____.

  A) I'll faint

  B) I'm going to faint

  C) I'm fainting

  D) I've fainted


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