
网络资源 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-11


  Decide which of the choices given below would correctly complete the passage if inserted in the corresponding blanks.    Select the correct choice for each blank.

  Proclamation of 1763 was declared by the British crown at the end of the French and Indian War in North America, mainly intended to (26)_____ the Indians by checking the encroachment of white settlers on their lands. After Indian (27)_____ had resulted in the start of Pontiacs War (1763-64), British authorities determined to (28)_____ intercolonial rivalries and abuses by dealing with Indian problems (29)_____. To this end, the (30)_____ organized new British territories in America —— the provinces of Quebec, East and West Florida, and Grenada (in the Windward Islands) —— and a vast British-administered Indian reservation west of the Appalachians, from south of Hudson Bay to north of the Florida. It forbade all white settlement (31)_____ Indian territory, ordered those settlers already there to withdraw, and strictly limited future settlement. For the first time in the history of European colonization in the New World, the proclamation (32)_____ the concept of Indian land titles, prohibiting (33)_____ of patents to any lands claimed by a tribe (34)_____ the Indian title had first been (35)_____ by purchase or treaty. Although (36)_____ to alter western boundaries, the proclamation was nevertheless offensive to the colonies as (37)_____ interference in their affairs. Treaties following Pontiacs War drew a more acceptable line of settlement, and the balance of territory north of the Ohio River was added to Quebec in 1774. The proclamation, however, failed to (38)_____ the westward movement of pioneers, (39)_____ disregard of its provisions (40)_____ decades of continued Indian warfare throughout the area.

  26.   A) facilitate   B) dilapidate   C) conciliate   D) distillate

  27.   A) grimaces   B) grievances   C) grime   D) groans

  28.   A) reduce   B) deduce   C) overthrow   D) subdue

  29.   A) as a rule   B) as a token   C) as a whole   D) as a judge

  30.   A) procession   B) proclamation   C) procedure   D) probation

  31.   A) on   B) in   C) at   D) for

  32.   A) fortified   B) formalized   C) formulized   D) formulated

  33.   A) issuance   B) assurance   C) innocence   D) insurance

  34.   A) lest   B) if   C) unless   D) provided

  35.   A) distinguished   B) extinguished   C) distinguishing   D) extinguishing

  36.   A) not intending   B) not intended   C) not extending   D) not extended

  37.   A) done   B) undone   C) due   D) undue

  38.   A) stem   B) branch   C) shoot   D) bough

  39.   A) its   B) which   C) whose   D) who

  40.   A) revoked   B) evoked   C) revolved   D) evolved


  There are twenty-five sentences in this section.    Beneath each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D.    Choose one word or phrase that correctly completes the sentence.

  41. When they heard the _____ for help that rang through the building, the firemen rushed into it.

  A) emergency

  B) fight

  C) noise

  D) appeals

  42. The viewers of the poet's most recent book _____ his reputation.

  A) enlarged

  B) enriched

  C) enhanced

  D) encouraged

  43. Do not _____ across a main road without first looking to the right and the left.

  A) advance

  B) proceed

  C) march

  D) progress

  44. The aeroplane _____ soon after taking off.

  A) crushed

  B) clashed

  C) smashed

  D) crashed

  45. The study also showed that, _____ to what many people believe, if you skip breakfast, you will not lose weight.

  A) contrary

  B) identical

  C) equivalent

  D) hostile

  46. Large companies are _____ smaller firms by buying their shares.

  A) taking off

  B) taking up

  C) taking over

  D) taking on

  47. With a school record like yours, I'm puzzled why you didn't _____ a university scholarship.

  A) take for

  B) care for

  C) stand for

  D) try for

  48. The old family _____ in China has undergone some changes since liberation.

  A) pattern

  B) form

  C) shape

  D) construction


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