
网络资源 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-11

  46. Does it ever _____ to you that they would be punished for being late?

  A) strike

  B) occur

  C) happen

  D) emerge

  47. He never allowed his children to be _____ of anything necessary for their education.

  A) absent

  B) empty

  C) short

  D) scarce

  48. She is too _____ to be careless about her house-keeping.

  A) industrialized

  B) industrial

  C) industrialist

  D) industrious

  49. If you keep in mind the process of word deviation (派生), you'll be able to _____ the meaning of many words.

  A) reason with

  B) make up

  C) count on

  D) figure out

  50. Did you see the traffic accident involving the _____ between a truck and two cars the other day?

  A) comparison

  B) commission

  C) collision

  D) combination

  51. Scientists will have to come _____ new methods of increasing the world's food supply.

  A) up with

  B) up for

  C) down with

  D) down to

  52. The workers produced more steel, and all of fine quality _____.

  A) at it

  B) at this

  C) for that

  D) at that

  53. The thing that _____ is not whether you succeed or fail, but that you at least try.

  A) minds

  B) cares

  C) matters

  D) plays

  54. We _____ down when she _____ plates of food for us.

  A) had hardly sat, had brought

  B) hardly sat, brought

  C) hardly sat, had brought

  D) had hardly sat, brought


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