
网络资源 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-11

  45. The curator of the Museum was most _____ and let me actually examine the ancient manuscript.

  A) favorable

  B) gratifying

  C) obliging

  D) pleasing

  46. There is pressure on the American government to _____ the number of immigrants permitted to settle in the US.

  A) limit

  B) refrain

  C) confine

  D) decrease

  47. The word "must" is often used to indicate _____ while "might" refers to possibility.

  A) capacity

  B) probability

  C) equality

  D) ability

  48. If you keep getting wrong numbers, your phone could be _____.

  A) deceptive

  B) defective

  C) deficient

  D) ineffective

  49. We couldn't cut the string because the _____ of the knife was not sharp enough.

  A) edge

  B) side

  C) border

  D) front

  50. In order to buy a house she had to obtain a _____ from the bank.

  A) finance

  B) capital

  C) loan

  D) debt


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