
网络资源 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-11


  There are twenty-five sentences in this section.    Beneath each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D.    Choose one word or phrase that correctly completes the sentence.

  41. The Committee had met many times, but had not come up with _____ to the problem.

  A) a way

  B) an idea

  C) a solution

  D) a method

  42. The police arrested the wrong man mainly because they _____ the names given by the witness.

  A) puzzled

  B) confused

  C) bewildered

  D) perplexed

  43. I am _____ obliged to you for the many kindnesses you have known my son.

  A) excitedly

  B) exceedingly

  C) evidently

  D) excessively

  44. The highlight of his acting career was the opportunity of playing the _____ of Hamlet.

  A) character

  B) personality

  C) play

  D) part

  45. He narrowly _____ being seriously hurt, if not killed, by the explosion.

  A) missed

  B) failed

  C) lost

  D) dropped

  46. In the _____ of my not being there to meet you, our representative will take you to your hotel.

  A) possibility

  B) occurrence

  C) occasion

  D) event

  47. Paul was so _____ that he took no credit to himself for his good work.

  A) moderate

  B) modest

  C) medium

  D) moral


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