
网络资源 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-11

  61. Picking flowers in the park is absolutely ____.
  A) avoided
  B) prohibited
  C) rejected
  D) repelled
  62. Tony has not the least ____ of giving up his research work.
  A) intention
  B) interest
  C) wish
  D) desire
  63. Two of the children have to sleep in one bed, but the other three have ____ ones.
  A) similar
  B) singular
  C) different
  D) separate
  64. Am I to understand that his new post ____ no responsibility with it at all?
  A) keeps
  B) supports
  C) carries
  D) possesses
  65. Animals that could not _____ themselves to the changed environments perished and those that could survived.
  A) change
  B) adapt
  C) modify
  D) conform


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