
网络资源 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-11

  Saving money or spending tomorrow's today money .来源:考

  Money is to our life what blood is to our body. In the world today, nobody could live without money. According to a recent survey conducted by one authoritative information corporation, an estimated 67% of college students in Beijing, Shanghai, Chengdu, Wuhan, and est. think saving money is a good habit. On the contrary, the rest are convinced that spending tomorrow's money is better. As far as I am concerned, saving money best suits me and renders me the greatest enjoyment.来源:考

  Admittedly, spending tomorrow's money, as advocated by many, has its active role to play in our economic life. It can spur people to make more money to enjoy life. And consumerism brought about by this trend can of course do a great deal to drive forward our economy.

  However, there are numerous merits for saving money. First things first, saving money is a preparation for a secured life. The best way to secure a safe and sound life and be free from poverty, want and anxiety about future is, of course, in current situation, to have a certain amount of money in hand. In our daily life, various things unexpected and emergent may fall upon us. In these cases, if we have savings, we can manage to overcome these crises more easily. In addition, money dissipating and luxurious life can weaken us. By contrast, just as Albert Einstein put it, "a simple and unassuming life is good for everybody, physically and mentally."来源:考

  By and large, why so many people advocate spending tomorrow's money and so many exclaim the dogma is beyond my understanding. It seems that it can bring us nothing but anxiety and more uncertainty about our life, while saving for the rainy day, a fine tradition of Chinese nationality, can provide us with the greatest security and the best satisfaction of life.


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