
网络资源 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-12


  Rose:   (at the door) Oh, hi Sue. Why are you so late?

  柔丝:  (站在门口)喔,嗨,苏。你怎么这么晚才来?

  Sue: I had to 1) run an errand. How was your first class with Herbert?

  苏:  我得去办点事。你跟赫伯特的第一堂课上得如何?

  Rose:   Well, the class went quite well.

  柔丝:  嗯,课上得还不错。

  Sue: Tell me more. I 2) noticed……

  苏:  继续,继续!我有注意到喔……

  Rose: Noticed what?

  柔丝:  注意到什么?

  Sue: I noticed there was no music in your classroom. Why was it so quiet?

  苏:  我注意到你的教室都没有音乐声,为什么那么安静?

  Rose:   Sue, it's 3) none of your business! We talked the whole time.

  柔丝:  苏,这不干你的事!我们一直在讲话。

  Sue: All talking, no teaching. That's very interesting. Tell me more!

  苏:  都在讲话,不上课。真有意思。再透漏多一点嘛。


  A: They said they were interested in doing business with us.


  B: So why haven't they given us a firm answer?


  「run an errand 跑腿,出公差」

  run这个字必真有“跑”的动作,例如:run an errand(跑腿),errand则是指差事,工作的意思。

  The boy, eldest of five children, had to quit school and work as an errand runner.


  1) run an errand 办一些杂事

  2) notice  (v.)注意

  3) none of…… business  不干(某人)的事


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